Anything Can Happen On Halloween!


I wouldn’t change places

With anyone tonight

We’ll make up our faces

And watch the witch’s flight

Every human heart will shudder

Every soul will shake with fear

Tonight, the creepiest

Tonight, the scariest

Tonight, the most wonderful night

Of the year!

Anything can happen on Halloween

Your dog could turn into a cat

Your agent could become a sardine

Or your lover could turn into a bat

Christmas time brings the snow

Summer time brings the sun

But on Halloween your blood begins to run

Something spooky’s going down…

Anything can happen on Halloween

Your eyes turn white and they start to gleam

The craziest night you’ve ever seen

This hairy, scary, creepy, crawly Halloween!

     “Let’s hear it for John!” called Colton Haynes as John Barrowman finished his song and bowed. The gathered attendees applauded.

     Colton looked over the crowd. Someone had rented out this resort for the weekend and had invited all sorts of famous people and gotten Colton to be the MC. He wasn’t sure who the person running the event was, but hey, he got to hang out with friends new and old, and everyone seemed to be having a great time. He was curious, but not too bothered.

     Colton was more impressed with all the people there. He knew it was ridiculous to think it, but he almost thought the list of people who weren’t there would be far shorter than the list of people who were. He was glad to see his friends like Ally Maki and Chloe Bennet, as well as his old cast mates from Teen Wolf and Arrow, but there were also other people who’d been in loads of other movies and TV shows, musicians, internet personalities, all sorts.

     Colton stepped out into a little courtyard and recognized several of his friends from Arrow and the shows that had spun off from it. There was Stephen Amell, Grant Gustin, Caity Lotz, Carlos Valdes, Brandon Routh, Franz Drameh and Hartley Sawyer, one of the latest additions to the cast.

     “Hey, guys, how’s it going?” Colton asked. “Having a good time?”

     “Well, hey, buddy,” Stephen replied. He gave Colton a hug. “Look at you, being the master of ceremonies for this big party.”

     Colton grinned.

     “Hey, who’s running this party?” asked Franz. “Surely you know, right?”

     “Uh, I don’t, actually,” Colton admitted. “I’ve only gotten anonymous communication, but hey, a party like this, can’t go wrong, right?”

     “Well, it all seems on the up and up,” Grant commented.

     “It’s been fantastic,” Caity added. “So many people to meet and connect with. I’ve met a couple of my idols tonight and turns out they actually really love Legends of Tomorrow!”

     “Yeah, but I bet more of them love Arrow,” Stephen commented with a smirk.

     “And they all love The Flash,” Grant said, crossing his arms.

     “Well, yeah,” Stephen replied, “but why’d you like one without the other?”

     “Why wouldn’t you love all the shows?” Hartley countered, stepping into the middle of the group. “I mean, they’re all great, all on the same network…”

     “Legends is the best!” cheered Brandon and Franz in unison.

     “I’m with those guys,” said Carlos, nodding to Grant and Stephen.

     “I think there’s only one way to settle this,” Caity sighed, walking up to Stephen and crossing her arms. “Fight.”

     “Oh yeah,” Stephen replied. “Right here, right now!”

     “GUYS!” Hartley shouted, stepping between them. “Don’t fight! We’re all friends! We don’t need to do this! And we all got to get back to work soon.”

     Caity nodded.

     “So, how about tug of war?” she asked.

     “I was thinking the same thing,” Stephen replied with a smile.

     “Okay, there,” Hartley said with a sigh. “See? You can just settle it over a nice, harmless game of—WHOA!”

     Hartley was cut off by Stephen and Grant grabbing his arms and Caity and Brandon grabbing his legs.

     “Yeah, we’re playing tug of war with you, buddy!” called Carlos, pulling alongside Grant and Stephen as Franz joined Caity and Brandon.

     “Guys, what the heck?” Hartley called as he felt himself lock up between the two directions.

     Colton—who’d been watching the entire time—crossed his arms and chuckled. “Don’t worry, Hartley, couple years ago, it was me.”

     Stephen and Caity glanced at each other mischievously and pulled again.

     “GUYS!” yelled Hartley as he felt himself give and feared that either his arms would be pulled out of their sockets or that he’d be torn in half.

     Well, neither of those things happened. Instead—with a weird, low groaning sound—Hartley stretched between the two groups, his arms and legs and torso growing longer and longer until a good three feet had been added to his height.

     “You know what?” Stephen said at last. “Hartley’s right, all the shows are actually pretty good. Heck, Supergirl, too. It’s not like they’re Gotham.”

     “What even is going on on that show?” muttered Franz as the two teams released Hartley who lay on the ground and recovered his breath for moment, before standing up and towering over them.

     “Wow,” Carlos commented, looking up at the guy who’d become a victim of the game. “You really are elongated, man.”

     “I see what you did there,” Grant replied and the two went in for a high five.

     “You all right?” Brandon asked Hartley as the rest of the group began to intersperse into the party, Colton heading to the bar for a drink.

     “Um… I guess? I just didn’t expect for this to happen.”

     Brandon reached up and patted Hartley’s back. As far up as he could reach, anyway.

     “Eh, you’ll be fine in the morning. Just make sure you duck when going inside.”


    Colton smiled as he finished his drink. It felt funny just wandering around. Of course he wasn’t sure how he could insert himself into any conversation.

    “Hey, COLTON!” called a voice.

    Colton looked up to see Neil Patrick Harris peering around a door, beckoning him over. Colton hurried over.

    “Can you help me out?” Neil asked in a whisper.

    “What do you need?” Colton asked.

    “Just some good looking guy whose name starts with C,” Neil replied with a smirk, grabbing Colton’s arm and pulling him into the room.

    The door shut behind them. Colton’s eyes needed to adjust, he wasn’t the only one in here besides Neil. A torch suddenly lit up.

    “Hey, it’s the MC!” Chris Pratt called with a huge grin on his face.

    “Hey,” Chris Evans smiled as he shook hands with Colton, who took a deep breath as he saw that standing behind them was Chris Hemsworth.

    “Wow…” Colton said at last.

    “Hello,” Chris H. replied as he greeted Colton with a handshake.

    “You all look great!” Colton said after a pause.

    “Hmm…” Neil pondered. “You all look great in your suits… But I think your outfits need sprucing up.”

    He snapped his fingers.

    Colton and the others gasped as their clothes vanished and they stood there in just speedos. Colton chuckled as he glanced around. He was wearing red, Chris E. was wearing blue, Chris P. wore a green one and Chris H. wore a yellow one.

    “Neil, what’s going on?” asked Chris E.

    Neil was oddly silent with his eyes closed and head turned downwards.

    “Neil?” Colton asked.

    As he went to tap Neil on the shoulder Neil suddenly bolted upright, his eyes pure white when they opened. Neil spoke, his voice suddenly deep and booming.

    “PERMUTO! Res Parum pudici facti hominibus Pyxidas!”

    His hands fired blue waves of energy.

    Colton and the Chrises couldn’t say anything or move as magical energy swirled around them. The four could only look from side to side frantically as blue light formed above them. As the room shone a blue hue, their bodies seemed to ripple like liquid.

    Neil grinned as he watched the spell unfold. The energy above the men suddenly slammed down on top of them. Moans escaped their flattened forms as they lay on the floor for a few seconds with tops of their heads, shoulders and pecs visible.

    Before they begun to swell back up, their bodies taking on more cubic shapes. They swelled bigger and bigger, reaching Neil’s waist in height before they seemed to be filling invisible boxes. The men wobbled like jello, before their bodies settled, in the shape in large cubes.

    “What’s happened to us!?” Chris P. yelped. “Hey, we can talk again!”

    “The spell worked!” Neil chuckled as he bent down and gave Chris P. a pat on the back, which made up the top of his cubed form.

    “Your voice is back to normal!” Colton gasped.

    “Yes, it is!” Neil sniggered. “I scared you all pretty good, didn’t I?”

    He walked past Chris P. and Chris E. to get a flatbed trolley from the corner of the room and wheeled it over.

    “What are you doing with us?” asked Chris P. as Neil picked him up and set him down on the trolley.

    Neil just smirked as he pushed Chris up to the handle.

    “You’ll see,” he replied as he walked over to Chris H.

    “Woah!” Chris H. gasped as he was picked up, not used to anyone lifting him up so easily.

    “Suppose the view could be worse…” Chris P. sighed when Neil set Chris H. down on the trolley.

     Chris H. blushed. The side that had his butt on it was right in Chris. P’s face.

    “Chris Hemsworth's ass is a thing of beauty,” Neil admitted. “I’m almost jealous.”

    He chuckled as he picked Chris E. up.

    “Almost feel like a kid again playing with my blocks!” he laughed as he put Chris E. on top of Chris P.

    “This is… different to the party I went to last year…” Chris E. said. He moaned as he was pushed into place.

    Neil then turned to Colton.

    “Okay, buddy!” Neil laughed as he bent down.

    Colton moaned as he felt Neil rubbing him before hoisting him up onto the trolley. His feet and groin slid onto Chris. H’s back as faced Chris E.’s backside.

    “Never say I don’t do anything nice for you,” Neil teased.

    Before Colton could answer, he felt Neil give his own butt a playful pat. Colton moaned before Neil walked around to the handle and begun to push the four out.

    The light of the next room was so much brighter, it was nearly blinding. Soon, they heard some people cheering.

    “Finally!” laughed Jeremy Renner. “We can play Musical Chairs!”

    Neil smirked as he had help putting the cubed men down. Jeremy chuckled as he looked Chris E. over.

    “Hey, Neil!” called his husband David. “I found Chris Pine… Oh…” He chuckled when he saw Colton.

    “It’s fine,” Neil replied. “I found Colton!”

    Colton couldn’t make out who else was there, the Chrises and himself were facing towards each other and they could only see everyone’s legs.

    “Alright everybody,” Neil announced, “you must dance. Or Else.”

    “Or else what?” asked Luke Mitchell.

    “Just dance, okay,” Neil answered before he turned on the music, which started slowly, before a familiar xylophone was heard…

    “Spooky Scary Skeletons Sends Shivers Down Your Spine!” blared the music.

    Colton could see Chris P. wanted to join in on the dancing, his cubed body seemed to be swaying to the beat until the music suddenly stopped. Everyone stopped dancing as there was made dash to sit on the cubes. Jeremy jumped onto Chris P. Chris E. felt Luke hurriedly jump on him. Colton felt two people trying to sit on him only for one to get pushed off as David sat on Chris H.

    “Aww… So, I’m out?” sighed Brian Patrick Wade.

    “Those are the rules,” Neil chuckled.

    He snapped his fingers, Brian grunted, feeling funny before his gut begun to swell outwards. Everyone gasped as he quickly swelled up and floated off the floor and drifted upwards. Brian’s yelps becoming higher in pitch the bigger he got.

    “Don’t worry folks. He’ll come back down once the game’s over.”

    “And what about us?” Colton asked nervously.

    “Colton?” asked a familiar voice. The man sitting on Colton looked down at him.

    “JEFF!” Colton beamed as his fiancé quickly got on the floor.

    “You okay?”

    “Oh, I’m fine,” Colton replied.

    Neil smiled as everyone else got up to begin the next round. Chris P. yelped as he began to deflate like a balloon. Soon he was so smooth he seemed part of the floor.

    “Alright folks. Let’s keep dancing!” Neil laughed before turning the music back on.

    Colton and the two Chrises watched everybody dance. Jeremy was really throwing himself into it as Neil let the music go on for much longer this round. Colton tried to keep an eye on Jeff, who was also getting into it…

    The music suddenly stopped and the four dancers scrambled to the cubes. Jeremy slid onto Colton, Jeff hopped onto Chris H. and David wound up in Luke’s lap on top of Chris E.

    “Sorry babe,” Neil laughed. “You’re out.”

    David sighed as he stood up.

    “That’s just how it is…”

    David chuckled before he begun to swell up just like Brian and drifting up to the ceiling.

    Luke fell off of Chris E. as David grew so quickly.

    “You okay…?” asked the cube.

    Luke nodded, only for Chris to deflate down into the floor, leaving just Colton and Chris Hemsworth to go.

    “Three constants left with two cubes to go!” Neil announced before turning the music back on.

    The tempo was a great deal faster than before as Jeremy, Jeff and Luke begun to feel hot and sweaty, the three having to go around the two in a circle. Neil sniggered as he clapped his hands. Jeremy, Jeff and Luke stopped in between the cubes and started twerking. The surrounding crowd laughed.

    “Be hard to decide if this was a booty contest…” whispered Cobie Smulders to Matt Bomer, who just chuckled, he wasn’t really listening.

    “NEIL!” Jeremy called out after a few minutes had passed and the song started again.

    “Oh sorry!” Neil laughed, and the three men stopped twerking and the music stopped.

    Luke and Jeff both dashed for Chris H. They both slammed their hips together as Chris yelped when they both sat on him. Jeremy laughed as he sat on Colton and spun around.

    “Jeff is sitting on the most of him!” Neil called. “Sorry Luke.” He said.

    “Awww…” Luke sighed. It wasn’t long before he was a big round balloon floating around the ceiling with David and Brian. The three laughed as they kept bouncing off each other.

    Jeff looked up and laughed, only to nearly fall back as Chris H. begun to deflate under him. He stood up, Chris was soon flat as the other Chrises. Jeff tried to pick him up. But his hand just slid over his back and onto the carpet.

    “Alright, Jeff, Jeremy, you need to boogie now!” Neil chuckled before he turned the music back on.

    The song was so loud and fast it nearly sent Neil flying off his feet. Jeremy and Jeff both had big grins on their faces as they danced around Colton.

    Colton couldn’t help but laugh as he watched them dance. Jeff swung his arms about and Jeremy spun about.

    Everyone watched with bated breath.

    “Any second now…” Neil smirked as he hovered his hand over the Off button. He stopped right as the song was blaring up.

    Jeff and Jeremy kept dancing for a second before the realized what had happened. They bolted towards Colton. Jeremy jumped, he slid across Colton only to slip off the other side. The crowd gasped as Jeff parked his rump on top of Colton.

    “You okay?” Colton asked Jeremy.

    “Just my pride…” he answered.

    “The winner is Jeff Leatham, everybody!” Neil called out jovially.

    Everyone clapped. Jeff panted, sweat pouring down his face.

    “Well done, man.” Jeremy said, shaking hands with Jeff.

    “You too,” Jeff beamed. “Pretty nice dance moves you got there!”

    Jeremy smiled, only to feel his gut swelling up. He grew nice and round and drifted upwards. While the other three cubes also puffed back up into their cubed shapes.

    “So, Jeff,” Neil said with a grin as he sat on Chris E. beside him. “You won. So what would you like as your prize?”

    “Hmm…” Jeff looked down at his cubed fiancé. “Mind if I kept Colton like this for a bit? I know he’s the MC and all…”

    “Hey, I’m free,” Colton said with a grin. “I’m fine staying like this for a little bit.”

    Jeff bent down and kissed Colton on his flat lips.

    “Well I would hate to break up a pair of love birds,” Neil grinned. “Go on.”

    He chuckled as Jeff picked Colton up and walked out of the room carrying him, his arms wrapped around him. The crowd awed.

    “What about us…?” Chris P. asked after a short silence.

    “AND US!?” squeaked the Jeremy balloon up above. Neil clicked his tongue.

    “Would you three gentlemen be alright with being cubes for another round of Musical Cubes?” Neil asked.

    The crowd got excited, eager to join in. “We may need some more cubes then…”

    “Does it have to be people whose names start with C…?” Chris Pine asked.

    Neil chuckled.

    “Well… I figured it’d be fun,” he answered. “I just told Colton that…”

    “HEY, NEIL!” called another voice. Melissa Benoist came hurrying over with Chris Wood. “You still looking for a Chris?”

    “Oh now you turn up!” Neil chuckled.

    In a matter of moments, there were two more Chris cubes on the floor.

    “Okay, everybody, six players this time!” Neil laughed.

    “HEY, WHAT ABOUT US?” David called.

    Neil chuckled.

    “Looking good babe!” he sniggered. “Winner gets a magical request from me. But if you get out… You become part of the decorating.” He pointed up to the balloons.

    “What if we want to be a balloon?” asked Drew Scott with a mischievous smile on his face.

    “Well then, just have fun.” Neil laughed.


     “Wow, I could use a snack,” Derek Hough sighed as he left the limbo game.

     Hartley Sawyer had been using his stretched out form to let people play a game of limbo, using himself as the bar people had to cross under without touching him. Derek had managed to go pretty low, but soon had found himself brushing against Hartley’s chest and was out of the game.

     “Hey, you looking for the food?” Justin Timberlake asked Derek. “I was actually wondering the same thing.”

     “Yeah,” Derek said, “I mean, the invite said we’d be supplied with snacks as well, all I’ve seen is the bar over there. Where’s Colton? I figure he’d know about it at least.”

     Unbeknownst to Derek and Justin, one Jeff Leatham was presently enjoying his fiance in the temporary form of a cube.

     “How about we try to find the kitchen or prep area?” Justin suggested after they scanned the party area for a few minutes and couldn’t spot the MC.

     “Seems good enough to me, maybe the caterers could use a hand.”

     The two headed off towards a building that was a little set aside from the main gathering spaces where a few white vans were parked. Entering, they could hear someone calling for the workers to hurry and they were behind schedule.

     “Figures,” Derek muttered to Justin as his stomach growled.

     They went through a door, but found it to be behind a counter that was cut off from the rest of the room. The caterers were busily preparing several foods for the many guests.

     “Of course,” Justin sighed before spotting an old book on the counter

     “Think this is a cookbook they’re using for us?” he asked, opening it up.

     “I dunno, let’s get out of here.”

     Justin ignored Derek and flipped to a page.

     “Weird stuff in here,” he observed. “I don’t think it’s a cookbook. Listen: leva eodem indito permiscetoque, what on earth does that even...”

     He was cut off as he found himself and Derek levitating in the air.

     “Derek, what’s going on?” he asked.

     “I said we should get out of...” Derek began, but they flew over to a large vat near the caterers and were dropped inside.

     “Oh, god,” sighed Justin, “what have I gotten into?”

     Derek looked down. “There’s some gunk in here.”

     The “gunk” was actually a pale colored thick gooey substance. Justin bent over and picked it up.

     “It looks like... batter of some kind. But why would we be in batter?”

     Derek began to shake his head when they heard a whirring. The vat around them began to turn around and around faster and faster.

     “DAMMIT, JUSTIN!” Derek yelled as he and Justin stumbled, trying to stay standing.

     Justin tripped and fell into the batter, it covering him. Derek fell a few seconds later, but was surprised to not fall across Justin at all. He struggled and tried to stand, but the motion made it impossible.

     And that was when it got even worse for poor Derek.

     As the vat agitated, he began to realize he couldn’t move his body at all. In fact, it was moving quite independently of him, very loose and fluid-like. He tried to say something, but no words came out.

     And that was when Derek realized what had happened to Justin: he’d been mixed into the batter and had dissolved. Furthermore, the same thing had now happened to him.

     But I can still think... So I’m not dead. Unless this is Hell. Oh shit. Hell is being turned into batter, isn’t it?

     Probably, came Justin’s voice in his mind.

     Justin, you’re still around?

     Yeah, what’s left of me, that is...

     We’ve been turned into batter!

     Fun turn of events, huh? Justin’s voice sighed.

     “All right,” came the voice of the leader of the caterers, “get those cupcake tins filled up and in the oven. We should’ve had that done an hour ago!”

     You don’t think, do you... Derek’s voice in Justin’s mind said, but was cut off as little by little, the batter was dispensed among several dozen pans.

     Derek and Justin could feel themselves being split up among the cavities in each pan and then being heated up and baking into rich, moist, flavorful little cakes in the ovens.

     Well, as Ollie told Stan, Derek thought to Justin, it’s another fine mess you’ve gotten me into!

     Geez, this might actually be fun if you’d shut up...


     “Oh gosh,” sighed KJ Apa as he bit into a cupcake. “This is the best cupcake I’ve ever had. Rich vanilla flavor.”

     “Sure you should eat that?” Cole Sprouse asked him. “I mean, you gotta keep up your workout regimen.”

     “I’ll melt it off before anyone can notice,” KJ replied and finished it.

     Hey, at least someone’s happy about it, Derek thought.

     Pretty sure that one was mostly me, Justin thought in repsonse. I could feel it.

     KJ grabbed two more cupcakes.

     “Whoa,” Cole said. “KJ, the caterers left a sign saying to please limit yourself to just one.”

     Oh great, Derek continued, looks like we’ll feature on Riverdale as the star’s body.

     “Not like they can enforce it,” KJ shrugged. “Besides, there’s plenty for everyone, I’m sure...”

     He greedily ate the two in his hands.

     Okay, yeah, that’s what being eaten feels like, Derek’s voice sighed. It’s weird we’re just hanging around the snack tables, though... Justin?

     Justin had wandered off to take in some of the music.

     Okay, so are we ghosts or something? Derek wondered as he began to float around the party, checking out everything that was going on, completely undetectable to anyone. Might as well enjoy what I can...


     As KJ walked off to join some of his fellow castmates, he felt his stomach growl.

     Okay, he thought, is this indigestion? Maybe that’s why they said to limit it to one cupcake. Oh well, they were so good it was worth it.

     “Hey, KJ, your butt looks great in those jeans!” called Casey Cott.

     “Gee, thanks,” he sighed hefore feeling his own butt.

     Whoa, my butt’s gotten bigger, he thought. It was notably larger, firmer and rounder than it was about ten minutes before.

     His stomach rumbled and as he looked down, he could see his belly expand, his abs disappearing under a rounding gut under his orange jack-o-lantern shirt.

     “Oh, crap!” he gasped. He expected to see his massive belly poke out of his shirt, but instead, it stretched along with his belly, growing bigger.

     “Whoa, KJ!” called Cole. “Maybe next time you’ll follow instructions?”

     He and Casey walked up to their expanding castmate.

     “Looks like we don’t need to wait around for the Great Pumpkin,” chuckled Casey, “he has arrived!”

     Sure enough, under his expanding shirt, KJ’s growing massive round form looked for all the world like a huge pumpkin.

     “Well, we better get him out of the way,” Cole chuckled as the rest of KJ seemed to disappear in the rounding body under the shirt, bits of his fingers and toes and hair sticking out from a nearly perfectly round shape.

     The two began pushing at KJ and after a few grunts from the massive guy, he began to budge.

     “See? Nothing a little elbow grease can’t handle,” Cole said between clenched teeth.

     “He’s pretty heavy,” sighed Casey as they slowly rolled KJ uphill.

     Suddenly, Cole slipped on slick grass and fell forward.

     “Cole! Help!” called Casey as KJ rolled back on them.

     It was too late as all of KJ’s extreme weight rolled onto Cole, who felt the air rush out of his body as he was pressed flat against the ground. Casey didn’t fare much better as KJ knocked him down and flattened him as well.

     “Guys?” KJ called, his voice muffled, unknowingly rolling off into the darkness, away from the party.

     A mysterious figure walked up.

     “Well, I thought some strange things would happen at this party,” it said with a sigh and lifted the two flattened young men. It began to fold them together, over and over, the two of them being as flexible as paper.

     “Sorry, fellas, it’s just easier to get you out of here this way,” the figure said before tucking them under its arm and walking quietly away.

     “Dude, I’m telling you, it’s a bad idea,” Jensen Ackles sighed as he sat down with a drink.

     “Come on, man, you’re Dean Winchester!” Channing Tatum said.

     “Correction,” Jensen retorted, “I play Dean Winchester. And I don’t have to be him to tell you that this is a pretty stupid idea.”

     “It’s a Halloween party, you gotta do a séance.”

     “Look, my idea of a good time doesn’t involve dealing with freaky supernatural shit. That’s what I pretend to do in my day job.”

     “Well, fine, guess we’ll just have to do this thing with only three people.”

     “You do that, though I wouldn’t recommend it.”

     With that, Channing Tatum walked away from the bar, followed by the two people he’d managed to convince to join him in doing a séance: Finn Jones and Andrew Garfield.

     They walked to a little cabin on the grounds.

     “You’ll be sorry,” a voice said as they left the crowd behind.

     “What?” Finn asked.

     “Oh, sorry,” said actor Riz Ahmed. “I was just telling my friend here that signing their IP over wholesale is a bad idea.”

     “Oh, okay,” Andrew said and the three went to the cabin.

     The three men entered the cabin, covering all the windows with curtains and lighting a large candle on a small circular table, which provided the only light as they sat around it. Andrew finished drinking a small glass bottle of Coca-Cola and set the empty bottle next to his chair.

     “So, how do we do this?” asked Andrew.

     “Um… I guess we hold hands?” Channing said, and the three did so.

     “Hey, do you smell something?” Finn asked. “It’s like some sort of pumpkin spice scent.”

     “Yeah,” Andrew replied, “this is a scented candle.”

     “Why are we having a pumpkin spice séance?”

     “Shut up,” sighed Channing. “Just close your eyes and focus…”

     As he spoke, the three closed their eyes.

     “Spirits, if you are here, speak to us,” Channing continued in a low tone.

     The three waited in silence. Nothing happened.

     “Maybe there aren’t any spirits here,” Finn said after five minutes.

     “Okay, maybe we can summon one,” Channing suggested.

     “Do you know how to do that?” Andrew asked.

     “I saw it in a movie a couple years ago.”


     “All right close your eyes and focus… We call on a spirit, any spirit, to come here…”

     The table rumbled and the three men looked up to see the form of a man appear over them, shimmering as if made of gold.

     “Whoa!” Channing gasped. “I didn’t think that would actually work! I just wanted to get creeped out.”

     “The heck?” Finn asked. “Uh… who are you?”

     “I am not of this dimension,” the form replied.

     “Did we summon a demon?” Andrew asked.

     “You might call me that,” the thing replied. “Or a ghost. Such handsome gentlemen.”

     “Anyone got any holy water or something?” Finn inquired nervously of his friends.

     “I’ve got an empty Coke bottle,” Andrew replied with a shrug, picking it up off the floor and setting it on the table.

     The being reached for Andrew and pulled him up in the air by the back of his shirt.

     “Hey, what’s going on? Put me down!” called Andrew.

     “Sure I will…”

     The being held Andrew over his Coke bottle and forcefully pushed him inside of it, shrinking, compressing and contorting the actor’s five foot ten inch body inside a container just over nine inches tall. Andrew’s face was pressed against the glass behind his two hands while the soles of his feet were pressed against the bottom. His arms and legs were so compressed it almost looked as if he didn’t have any.

     “Such fun, squishy, squishy things you are,” the being chuckled.

     Finn and Channing scrambled to get up out of their chairs, but the being waved its arms, pinning them to their seats.

     “Don’t be rude and invite me in then try to run out on me…” it said.

     It picked up Channing as if he was nothing. Its hands grew huge, enveloping Channing and seemed to crush him between them.

     Finn winced as he heard Channing’s muffled groaning.

     The being then began working something over with its hands, which began to grow smaller. When they were their original size again, they revealed Channing, perfectly molded into a sphere about ten inches high.

     “He’s got some nice curves,” the being chuckled and tossed Channing against a wall where he began to bounce around the room as if he was made of rubber.

     “I don’t suppose that I’m the one you let go to warn the others and I wind up looking crazy, am I?” asked Finn anxiously.

     “Of course not.”

     With that, Finn levitated out of his seat and was turned so his back was parallel with the ceiling and the floor.

     “What are you going to do?” he asked.

     The being seemed to grow larger, its hands on either side of Finn.

     “Oh, heck, NO!” he screamed as the being clapped his hands, smashing Finn between them.

     The being shrunk back to its normal size and held Finn, now flattened into a neat, round disc, the size and height of a CD. It placed him on the table next to Andrew in his bottle.

     “Such wonderful playthings, I hope there are lots more nearby,” it laughed wickedly.

     Just then the door opened with a bang and Kate McKinnon entered, wearing goggles, a strange pack on her back and carrying a weird wand connected to the pack.

     “That’s enough for tonight!” she called out.

     She pressed a button on the wand and a beam of energy snaked around the being. It gasped and screamed before finally dissolving into nothingness.

     Picking up Channing from a corner, she walked to the table.

     “Well, you all look none the worse for wear,” she sighed.

     “Can we get some help here?” Andrew groaned from his bottle. The three were—of course—still alive, just unable to move on their own being reshaped into other forms.

     “Oh, sure,” she chuckled. “Everyone disses the Ghostbusters reboot, but when the best one of the bunch saves their bacon, then they want something.”

     “Oh, come on,” sighed Channing.

     “Of course I’ll help you guys,” she went on. “Pretty sure I saw Neil earlier, he can fix you up.”

     “Nice,” sighed Finn. “Not exactly how I wanted to meet Neil Patrick Harris, but beggars can’t be choosers.”

     “But you know,” she continued, tossing Channing from one hand to another, “we might like to play around with some folks first… catch, frisbee, maybe even a game of spin the bottle… I guess I can just promise you’ll be back to normal by morning.”

     She picked them up in her arms and blew out the candle.

     “Remind me to never do a séance again,” huffed Channing.

     “If you need a reminder after this, I don’t know what to tell you,” Andrew replied.


     With a cheer from the crowd, Brenton Thwaites beat Ezra Miller to the Chris O’Donnell cube and sat down.

     “We have a winner!” called Neil and the crowd applauded as the several men who’d been turned into cubes resumed their normal forms and the players who had been “out” finally deflated and fell to the floor.

     Neil walked up to Matt Bomer, who had declined to join in the game but had watched in amusement.

     “I believe you owe me something?” Neil asked.

     “You’re not really holding me to that, are you?” Matt asked. “It was just a silly bet.”

     “Well, we set stakes, so not so silly in my book,” Neil replied with a smirk. “You bet Ezra would win, and I promised to perform for a private party for your kids if that happened. But I bet if Brenton won, you’d have to help me pull off a prank.”

     “Yeah, that’s not really my thing,” Matt said with a sigh.

     “Too bad,” Neil chuckled. “Aren’t you a man of your word?”

     “Well, of course, but...”

     “Then, we do this!”

     He passed his arm over Matt, who vanished entirely.

     “Okay, then...” Neil said and held up a mask he’d seemingly pulled from nowhere. It looked to be made of thin plastic and would need an elastic band affixed to hold it on someone’s head. However, it was shaped exactly like Matt’s face.

     “I mean, it’s a pretty extreme prank,” Neil said to the mask, “so I’ll probably just do the performance for your kids anyway.”

     He put the mask under his arm and walked to the party area.

     “Let’s see, who to get to try you on, buddy?”

     He happened to notice Daisy Ridley nearby.

     “Hmm, could be fun... but... nah, don’t need two gay men forcing something on some unsuspecting girl. Better pick someone who’d get it. Oooh...”

     He noticed Spider-Man star Tom Holland walking up to him.

     “Hey, Neil Patrick Harris, right?” Tom asked, reaching for a handshake. “Pleasure to meet you, sir!”

     “Wow, handsome and polite!” Neil replied with a huge smile. “I loved your movie, you’re nearly as good of a Spider-Man as I was!”

     “Oh, right, yeah...” Tom muttered.

     “Hey, check this out!” Neil said, showing Tom the Matt mask.

     “Hey, nice mask,” Tom said, looking it over. “Looks pretty realistic. Kinda creepy without the eyes.”

     “Of course it’s creepy, what else do masks do?”

     “Cover up your face.”

     “Exactly. Want to see how it fits on you?”

     Tom chuckled and shrugged.

     “Hey, why not?”

     He took the mask from Neil and placed it on his own.

     “It’s kind of warm,” he commented.

     “Yeah, well, it was just made.”

     Tom was about to reply in wonder to this when he felt the mask hug his face. Tingling, it became one with Tom, who grew about four inches taller as his arms, legs, chest and neck grew thicker, his abs became more pronounced, his shoulders became broader and his butt grew larger and rounder. His hair grew darker and seemed to become shorter and less curly.

     “Hey, looking really good, Tom,” Neil commented, “or should I say... Matt?”

     “Matt?” Tom asked before realizing his voice sounded richer, American and more mature. “You mean?”

     “Yeah, that mask was Matt Bomer, and you just became him.”

     “What the... So, where’s Matt?”

     In here, came a voice in Tom’s mind. I suppose I’m basically taking a back seat while you get to be me.

     Neil nodded as if he’d heard Matt’s voice.

     “That’s right, so, have fun, Tom, being one of the hottest guys in Hollywood.”

     “But I already was...”

     “Have fun!” Neil replied and walked off.

     “Well, this is just great,” Tom said to himself.

     Okay, come on, Matt sighed. If you’re going to be me, at least have a little fun. You’re able to pass as someone else, do stuff you wouldn’t normally do.

     Tom had a thought. “Okay, so how about I do something you did?”


     “I’m thinking... Magic Mike.”



     Blake Shelton didn’t expect to see Matt Bomer begin doing a slow dance and begin stripping while he sang, but hey, it was a Halloween party, anything could happen, right?

     Neil and David Burtka took a seat and watched “Matt” dance in his underwear.

     “Wow, I love how this prank turned out,” Neil chuckled.

     “Best party ever,” David added.


     “Ladies and gentlemen,” announced Colton behind the microphone on the stage, “if you’ll make your way over to the auditorium, we have something special which should be beginning shortly.”

     He grinned as he stood on the stage in his suit. A number of the crowd had last seen him as a cube.

     Isaac “the Incomparable” Penworth—the famous magician—popped onto the stage behind the curtain and began making sure his props were in place to do the act.

     “Talk about being pressed for time,” he sighed, checking his watch.

     The house band at Enchantment Theater were playing a set, allowing him enough time to do a short act for the party.

     “ISAAC THE INCOMPARABLE, FOLKS!” Colton called.

     The gathered crowd began to clap, and more were now rushing in.

     “Hurry now, everyone. He’s not staying long!”

     The curtain raised, revealing a top hat on the floor.

     “Isaac...?” Colton asked.

     He walked up to the hat and picked it up.

     “Hello?” He called into the hat. The hat echoed Colton’s “Hello?” back at him.

     “Hey, you found the hat!” called Isaac, walking in from stage left. “Thanks, Colton!”

     “Yeah.” Colton chuckled, he put it on his head. “Does it suit me?”

     “You look great in just about anything,” Isaac chuckled. He pulled the hat off of Colton’s head and passed it under his arm. It vanished and a wringer appeared onstage. “I could use a couple volunteers... Who is that very tall gentleman in the back?”

     Colton glanced toward the direction Isaac was looking in, smiled and nodded.

     “That’s Hartley Sawyer,” Colton chuckled. “Newest CW star.”

     “Hey, come on up here, Hartley!” called Isaac as Colton made his way to his seat between Jeff and his friend Grant Gustin.

     Crouching down, the elongated Hartley made his way to the stage.

     “And while he’s making his way up... Ummm...” Isaac glanced down at Justin Hartley in the front row. “You, Justin! Get on up here!”

     “Me?” Justin asked. “Okay!”

     He smirked as he and Harley climbed onto the stage and waved to everyone.

     “You must’ve been one well-fed kid,” Isaac commented to Hartley. “I’ve rarely seen anyone get so tall!”

     “Uh... yeah...” Hartley admitted shyly. “I’m not typically this tall... I’m a little stretched out right now.”

     “Oh...” Isaac glanced over at Colton.

     “Hey it wasn’t me!” Colton protested. “It was Stephen and the others!”

     “Oh Stephen’s here?” Justin asked. “I’ll have to catch up. He’s been doing great as Green Arrow!”

     “Figures...” Isaac sighed, glancing at Hartley’s predicament. “Well, we’ll see what we can do. Now, I figured while we’re here, I’m going to run off some souvenir posters.”

     He snapped his fingers and a large stack of blank papers appeared.

     “Justin, mind activating this wringer?”

     “Can do,” Justin chuckled as he walked towards the wringer. He looked it over, not sure where the buttons or crank was.

     “Oh, right,” Isaac said, taking a remote control with a single red button from his coat. “Here you go.”

     He tossed it to Justin who caught it.

     “Thanks!” he stated and pressed the button, making the wringer whirl to life.

     Isaac lifted up a sheet of paper and fed it into the wringer. It fell out into a neatly printed poster.

     “Very nice!” Justin laughed and handed it to the crowd, where it was passed around and eventually found its way to an owner.

     Isaac smiled and handed a sheet to Hartley.

     “Here you go.”

     Hartley shrugged and began to feed the sheet into the wringer. Suddenly he gave a sharp cry.

     “Guys? Um... I got my fingers caught in the wringer!”

     “Uh, Justin, shut it off!” called Isaac.

     Justin quickly tapped the sole button on the remote. He looked up and saw that the wringer was still rolling as Hartley’s arms were beginning to be fed through.

     “Uh, guys? Help!” called Hartley.

     Isaac looked to Justin.

     “What’s wrong?” he asked.

     “It’s not stopping!” Justin cried. He bashed the button with his fist. Only for the machine to go faster.

     “GUYS!” Hartley yelled before his head was fed through, flattening him and feeding the rest of him through, making him fall in a heap on the floor.

     Isaac lifted up the flattened and very long Hartley.

     “Huh,” he remarked, “I just realized his first name is the same as your last name, Justin.”

     “You can fix him though, right...?” Justin asked.

     “I’m sure no one gets you confused, though,” Isaac continued as he rolled up Hartley and ignored Justin’s question. “They know which one played a secondary superhero on a DC comics-based CW show and which one had a stint on the Young and the Restless... Oh, wait...”

     “Very funny,” Justin said with a nervous laugh. “Guess we get around.”

     “Anyway...” Isaac sighed before the wringer sucked in the papers from the stack one by one and began spitting out posters to the audience before finally whirring to a halt.

     “Oh, you must’ve set it on auto,” Isaac observed.

     “Funny,” said the muffled Hartley.

     “Don’t worry, we’ll take care of you,” Isaac assured him. “Justin, there should be a box backstage, right to your left. Can you bring it here?”

     Justin nodded and walked off quickly and soon returned with the box.

     “All right,” Isaac muttered and put the rolled up Hartley inside. “Now, go ahead and hit the button right here...”

     Justin got down on one knee.

     “You mean..”

     He tapped the underside of the box, which whirred and confetti flew out of it all over the audience. Isaac watched in surprise and as the last few shreds finished flying out, he looked down at the box.

     “You know, I might have brought the wrong one...”

     “Where’s Hartley?” Justin asked.

     Isaac opened the box, revealing it to be empty.

     “Uh oh...”

     “Oh...” Justin looked out among the audience, picking confetti off of their heads and brushing it from their clothes. “Well, I suppose it is Halloween. I’m sure he’s fine.”

     Someone tapped Justin on the shoulder.

     “Yeah, I think so,” they said in an amused tone.

     “HARTLEY!” Justin cried and jumped in surprise.

     Hartley was on the stage, in one piece, full three-dimensional and at his normal height. He raised his hand for a high-five which Justin went in for with a smirk.

     “Hope that didn’t scare you too much,” Isaac remarked, making a tall box appear onstage. “Care to hop in, Justin?”

     “Well, it’s better than going through the wringer,” he chuckled as he stepped inside and Hartley stepped up next to the magician.

     “Have you ever seen a mismade act?” Isaac asked.

     “You mean where they cut the box into sections with a person inside?”

     “Yeah, that. Do you know how it works?”

     “I think it’s angles, shading and stuff...”


     Isaac tapped the box and the top fell in to the bottom and the sides fell outward onto the stage.

     “Because this isn’t that act,” he said.

     “Oooh,” the crowd called.

     Colton was taken aback. What had happened to Justin?

     Isaac lifted the top and picked up a round two-foot wide disc with Justin’s face and palms on the front and his feet on the back.

     “What can I say?” he asked. “Flat handsome guys are awesome.”

     Hartley looked surprised.

     “Wait, is this a prop or something?” he asked as Isaac handed Justin to him.

     “You be the judge,” muttered the disc.

     “Whoa!” chuckled Hartley. “Are you okay?”

     “Well, I’ve been crushed flat as a pancake. Yeah, I’m good!”

     “Colton knows a lot about that experience,” Isaac commented. He glanced out into the audience and happened to spot Neil Patrick Harris in the front row. “As does Neil,” he continued. “Wannabe,” he added under his breath.

     “I got plenty of pics on my phone if anybody’s interested,” Colton chuckled.

     “Did you say something, Isaac!?” Neil called out.

     “Oh, yeah,” Isaac responded, “we know you’re a great entertainer, all respect, but you know... One of us is a great magician, and it’s not you... Much as you’d like to be.”

     Neil vanished, only to reappear onstage beside Isaac.

     “Wanna bet wise guy?” he asked.

     “Oh my,” Isaac said nonchalantly, “you act like I just majorly dissed you in front of a lot of people.”

     “They probably didn’t hear you,” Neil said with a chuckle. “But I did.”

     With a snap of Neil’s fingers, Isaac found himself in a large box with his head poking out the top.

     “Oh, I see, taking over my show,” Isaac observed. “How professional. Very well, give it a shot.”

     “Well it’s better than just turning you into a rock,” Neil chuckled as he begun to spin Isaac’s head around. Once, twice, three times…

     “Is this that act where you twist me up?” Isaac asked as his head spun around.

     “Nope,” Neil replied with a smirk.

     There was a sudden POP! and Neil was able to pick up Isaac’s head. The doors opened, showing Isaac’s body was still there.

     “Well, that’s a load off of my back,” added Isaac.

     Grant nudged Colton. “They’re just doing an act, right?”

     Colton shrugged.

     “Yo, Neil,” he called, “Isaac has to go in a few minutes!”

     Isaac glanced up at Neil.

     “Guess I ran my mouth a bit too much this time,” he admitted.

     His headless body opened the box and stepped out.

     “You watch yourself,” Neil warned, “before you get too big of a head.”

     He tossed Isaac’s head towards his body, only for his head to swell up and start floating like a balloon.

     “That’s lovely,” Isaac sighed as his body tried to catch his head.

     “I mean, this is a great show,” Grant whispered to Colton with a nod.

     “Just say the words and I’ll put you right,” Neil called.

     “Suppose Neil could take over if he wanted,” Colton muttered.

     “Say what?” Isaac’s head asked. “That you’re the better magician?”

     “Just... say you’re sorry for calling me a wannabe. We both know that’s not true!”

     “Well, I think it’s pretty clear you’re not a wannabe,” Isaac said, shrugging with his headless shoulders. “So... I called it wrong. I’m sorry for saying you were a wannabe.”

     “Thank you,” Neil said with a chuckle.

     He snapped his fingers and Isaac’s head shrunk down and landed right on his shoulders. Isaac looked at his watch.

     “Well, I better get going,” Isaac announced. “Hope you all enjoyed the act.”

     “Hey, thanks for the help,” Hartley said to Isaac.

     “No problem!” Isaac turned to his fellow entertainer. “Neil, till we meet again.”

     “Til we meet again,” Neil replied and began to rub his hands eagerly. “Allow me to send you on your way...”

     “Very well.”

     “Should we get off the stage?” Hartley wondered aloud.

     “You can stay,” Neil chuckled as he pulled out his phone. “Rudolf’s at your show right?”

     “Yeah,” Isaac replied, “what are you... Oh...”

     Neil tapped the camera function. Isaac was sucked into his phone, squashed up against the screen.

     “Now to attach him to a text,” Neil went on, smirking and chuckling. “Annnnd... Send.”

     Isaac disappeared from his screen.

     “Isaac the Incomparable, everybody!” Colton called.

     Everybody applauded as Neil looked toward Hartley and the Justin disc.


     “Um... Nice to meet you!” Hartley said nervously.

     “I’m sure we’ll meet under less weird circumstances,” replied Justin. “Or were you talking to Neil?”

     “Neil, I was just holding you.”

     “It’s a pleasure to meet you too, Hartley,” Neil replied, shaking his hand. “Should we restore Justin or keep him a pancake?”

     “Um... Restore him?”

     “Set him down on the stage please,” Neil instructed before reached behind himself and pulling out an air pump.

     “Err,” Justin muttered nervously.

     Hartley set him down.

     “This is going to be fun,” he commented.

     The hose of the pump went into Justin’s mouth. As Neil turned it on, it hissed and spluttered before it got to work and Justin begun to swell up rapidly.

     Hartley laughed and stepped back.

     “Well, this looks REALLY familiar,” Grant whispered to Colton.

     “It does,” Colton chuckled with an expectant, excited smile.

     “Just wait,” Neil sniggered.

     Justin’s body was inflating strangely. Instead of filling up evenly as Hartley expected, some parts hardly filled out, other parts were growing to massive sizes.

     “Um, he looks weird,” Hartley observed. “Neil, I think he needs a bit of help...”

     “Just wait,” Neil repeated.

     Justin grew, his body contorting into a giant cube-like structure. He moaned as Neil turned off the pump and his body set into its new shape. He looked like a jumping castle.

     Grant looked surprised.

     “Okay, that’s a twist,” he admitted. “I was expecting him to just turn into a huge balloon.”

     “Maybe work with Neil more,” Colton chuckled.

     Hartley looked to Justin. “Hey, looking good, buddy!”

     Justin moaned, not sure what had happened to his body as Neil removed the pump.

     “You feeling alright?” Neil asked him.

     “Yeah,” Justin answered, his voice a few octaves deeper. “Just gimme a second...”

     “Maybe some fresh air will help,” Neil laughed as he snapped his fingers.

     The curtain pulled back to show outside in the yard. Justin rose up and floated out onto the grass.

     “Please remember to take your shoes off before jumping on him!” Neil called.

     Hartley kicked his shoes off.

     “I call first dibs!”

     “Attention, everyone!” came a voice over the loudspeaker. “Will everyone please return to the main seating area? Everyone who can that is.”

     It took about five minutes for the bands to stop playing, for people to stop using Justin Hartley as a jumping castle, and for people who had scattered off to finally come back.

     “Well, folks, we need to go ahead and conclude tonight’s festivities,” a voice said.

     “Wait, who are you?” Colton asked. No one was onstage.

     “You’ll see in a moment,” was the reply.

     “While there has been plenty of fun, it seems a few incidents happened that stand to be corrected before we finish up. First off, we seem to be missing one KJ Apa, but I’ve sent someone to find him.

     The ground shook as a fifty foot tall Paul Rudd walked back to the seating area and set down the massive round form of KJ, his orange jack-o-lantern shirt now a little worn and dirty.

     “Thanks, Paul!” said the voice.

     “No problem,” Paul replied and shrunk back to normal.

     With a puff of smoke, what looked like two folded up cardboard cutouts appeared next to KJ.

     “Also, Casey Cott and Cole Sprouse met with some accident as well.”

     Nearly everyone laughed. Channing Tatum, Andrew Garfield and Finn Jones sat near the back with their arms crossed.

     “And now, your host presents himself to you at last.”

     Everyone waited with bated breath, realizing that the mysterious host had been at the party the entire time.

     John Barrowman stood up and took the stage.

     “I mean, I had to pull a few strings,” he said, speaking into a voice changer that had made his voice unrecognizable. He put it away and chuckled.

     “I hope you all enjoyed yourselves,” he continued. “But first, let’s take care of some of our buddies.”

     Justin Hartley walked in from the left side of the stage, completely back to his normal form.

     “Hope you’re feeling all right,” John stated.

     “Are you kidding? I spent three hours with people jumping inside me, feeling them let loose with their joy and energy. It was awesome!

     Everyone laughed and Justin shook hands with John and found a seat.

     “Okay, now for KJ,” John sighed and snapped his fingers. The massive bulk of the young man rapidly vanished and he was soon back to how he was before he’d eaten a single cupcake, except his shirt was a little loose and dirty now. He scrambled to his feet, looking bewildered.

     “And his buddies,” John continued and the two “cutouts” popped back into Cole and Casey, who scrambled to their feet and helped KJ find a seat.

     “And now for the two ghosts with the most,” John said and Derek Hough and Justin Timberlake appeared in front of them. “I admit, what happened to you guys was a pretty bad mistake we’ll have to try to prevent next time, but hey, you’re all right now.”

     “We got made into cupcakes and everyone ate us,” sighed Derek.

     Everyone looked surprised.

     “Eh, not exactly,” John said. “You see, you were just transformed into immaterial invisible beings as that happened, which was faster than a teleport charm.”

     “Wait, since when do you do magic?” Justin Timberlake asked John.

     “I’m Scottish,” John replied, and that was all the explanation he would offer. “Besides, what’s a Halloween party without a few thrills? It’ll be an experience you won’t soon forget.”

     Derek touched his stomach. “I’m still hungry.”

     Justin pulled him away. “Let’s just… get a seat.”

     The two walked into the crowd.”

     “All right, that’s everyone,” John began, then noticed Matt Bomer wearing nothing but his underwear, grinning broadly in his seat.

     “And as pretty as that is,” he said, “I’m going to have to ask you to split.”

     He snapped his fingers and clothing appeared out of nowhere on Matt as Tom Holland fell on the ground in front of him, wearing only his underwear.

     “I believe your clothes are backstage,” John said to Tom with a smile. “Not that I’m forcing you to put them on.

     “Well, thank you all so much for coming,” he said to everyone. “I hope you had a great time, or at least, a time you won’t soon forget.”

     “Wait, the party’s already over?” asked Colton. “It’s only 2AM.”

     “Oh, yeah, the party’s over,” John replied with a smile. “Now we’re moving on to the after party, and that is where it’s going to really get fun!”



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