Thomas Sanders and the Photographer

“See you later, babe,” Jon Cozart said as he kissed Thomas’ cheek.
“Later,” Thomas Sanders replied and watched wistfully as his boyfriend left the apartment.
The two had only recently begun dating, and both being popular internet personalities, had decided not to go public with their relationship yet. You never knew this early on if things would work out.
Thomas was a little worried already. He and Jon discussed things openly with each other, all except one thing: things that turned them on. Rather, Jon happily discussed it with Thomas, but Thomas was a little hesitant.
As he heard Jon walk down the hall, Thomas refreshed a page on his laptop.
“Nice!” he said to himself as he saw that JMaster13 had posted a new picture. Darren Criss was inflating Zac Efron’s head with a water pistol while Matt Damon had been made into a cube, serving as a seat to Nick Jonas.
There were a number of things that turned Thomas on, but one go to was seeing men get transformed, flattened, inflated, and sometimes he even checked out some vore art. Something about seeing a handsome man get altered into a new shape was just so sexy. He couldn’t help but wonder how it’d feel to experience it himself. Of course, he couldn’t because it simply wasn’t possible.
He added the new picture to his favorites and then decided to look them over.
“What are you looking at?” said Jon’s amused voice from behind him as Thomas felt a hand on his shoulder.
“AUGH!” Thomas yelled and the laptop flew out of his hand.
Jon lunged and caught it, taking a glance at the pictures.
“These are your favorites, huh?” he asked.
“Uh… I… it’s…” Thomas stammered. Great, now he knew. Well, it was fun while it lasted.
“Huh… you know, I get it,” Jon said.
“I thought you’d already left,” Thomas continued.
“Yeah, I forgot my hoodie, so I came back.”
“It’s not what it looks like…”
“I think it’s exactly what it looks like.”
Thomas sighed.
“Okay, just don’t go telling my friends or posting it online, it’s something I just want to enjoy, okay?”
“Dude, this is nothing to be ashamed of.”
“And I get if you’re disgusted and never want to… wait, what?”
“You’ve always loved cartoons, you love guys, why not have the two mix?”
“Oh, yeah, something like that…”
Jon sat on the bed across from Thomas.
“Oh, I get it… you wish you could be transformed like them!”
“I… Uh…” Thomas’ face turned red. Well, no point in hiding it now. He sighed. “Yeah. I think it’d be fun. Course, it can’t really happen.”
Thomas looked up.
“Jon, don’t tease me, people can’t be inflated like balloons or turned into pancakes or squashed into…”
Jon held out his phone, showing a realistic looking picture of Justin Timberlake and Derek Hough squashed into flat discs.
“Oh, I’ve seen stuff like that, JMaster13 posts it all the time.”
“Not really… this leaked from a secure account and everyone says it’s a great Photoshop, but it’s actually real.”
“Please, someone squashed them into pancakes and they bounced back?”
“Yeah,” Jon continued. “There’s this guy called the Photographer and he’s transformed dozens of celebrities into all sorts of shapes.”
“Yeah… sure.”
“Okay, you doing anything tomorrow?” Jon asked.
“All right then,” Jon said, pulling his phone back in and tapping on it. “I’m booking you a session with him. Get ready to have all your fantasies come true.”
“Well, thanks, I guess.”
“You’re gonna love it. And just to make sure you don’t back out at the last second, I’m spending the night. Now… Let’s take a look at some of this stuff you’re into.”

Jon and Thomas stayed up very late scrolling through Thomas’ favorites and talking about them. After a few pictures, Thomas began to realize that Jon genuinely wanted to know more about him and what he liked. He wasn’t going to judge him.
“The real fun part of being made into a ball,” he explained, “would be being used as one, someone’s hands all over you, bouncing you, feeling every bit of you.”
Jon playfully squeezed Thomas’ butt.
“Some of you is already bouncy.”
Thomas smiled. “Just can’t keep your hands off, huh?”
Jon chuckled and moved in for a kiss with Thomas. The two began to kiss deeply before Jon nibbled on Thomas’ neck.
“Mmm, you taste yummy,” Jon teased. “I’m gonna eat you up!”
“Really? I’m taller than you, I’d stretch you out.” Thomas smiled and pulled his shirt off.
Jon began kissing Thomas’ chest, nibbling at his nipples before working his way down to his navel. Jon playfully tugged at his boyfriend’s pants, and after spotting an approving nod, he pulled them off, along with his underwear, leaving Thomas naked.
“Wow, you look delicious, I better get started,” Jon said before giving Thomas’ stiffening cock a few licks and then sucking it.
Thomas was a little torn, Jon was giving him one great blowjob, but that’s all it was. He wasn’t actually eating him.
“Jon,” Thomas said after a few minutes, “look, I appreciate the… oh yeah… uh… I appreciate you trying to work this in, but… it’s not really doing it.”
Jon came up and sighed.
“Well, let’s try something else. Pull up your legs.”
Thomas pulled his legs into the air as he lay on his back. He wasn’t exceptionally flexible, so he had to use his arms to hold them up as Jon took off his own clothes and slipped on a condom. Jon held onto Thomas’ legs as he penetrated his boyfriend’s butt with his now hard cock.
“Oh god,” sighed Thomas.
“Okay,” Jon said, “now close your eyes and just think about me squeezing you into a ball as I feel you up.”
“A ball you’re going to fuck.”
“Well, duh.”
Thomas obeyed and soon felt Jon’s hands rubbing his legs, arms and chest as he thrusted into him.
“You fit so nicely in my hands,” Jon said. “So round and warm…”
Thomas chuckled. Sure, this wasn’t real, but it was nice. Jon was being very tender as he gave Thomas a great fuck.
In time, Jon repositioned Thomas on the bed, lying face down and he laid on top of him, still thrusting.
“Now, I’m going to squash you flat under me!” Jon said happily.
“Oh my god, you are the best!” Thomas replied.

“I’m very pleased to meet you,” the Photographer said, reaching his hand out to Thomas. “I quite enjoyed your Vine videos. And Jon tells me you’re already aware of what I do.”
“Yeah,” Thomas replied, shaking the Photographer’s hand. “He says you photographed a lot of celebrities.”
“And transformed them,” Jon added.
“That too.”
The Photographer chuckled. “I know, it seems that it’s an impossible thing, but I assure you, with the elements I use, nearly any transformation is not only possible, but reversible with no ill-effects.” He nodded to the wall of photographs of past subjects. “Would you like to see some of my past clients?”
Thomas looked over at the wall.
“Wow, lots of hotties,” he observed, “Chris Hemsworth, Chris Pratt, Matt Bomer, and… is that Lin-Manuel Miranda?”
“Oh yes, he and Jonathan Groff made quite the fun pair to work with. Would you like to see some of their shoot? In addition to still photography, the session is filmed from a variety of hidden 8K cameras which is then edited into a nice video so you can see yourself having the entire experience.”
Thomas was too excited to have heard anything after “Would you like to see some of their shoot?”
“Yes, of course I’d want to see that!” Thomas exclaimed.
The Photographer chuckled and pulled out his tablet, finding a video from his servers.
“Ah, here’s one I’m especially proud of.”
He showed Thomas a video. Lin had been flattened into a square shape and they watched as Jonathan folded him into a paper airplane and sent him flying across the room. As he landed, Jonathan picked him up and whipped him with his hand, restoring him to his regular form, the two laughing all the while.
“OH MY GOD,” Thomas exclaimed. “Jon, sign me up for everything! Anything! I wanna experience it all!”
“That sounds like quite a lot,” Jon said with a coy smirk. “So, if you insist on me doing something for you, I think you should do something for me first.”
“Sure, whatever you want!” Thomas replied gleefully.
“Great!” Jon pulled a small, flexible item out of his pocket. “Go put this on. And just this.”
Thomas took it. It was a sky blue speedo.
“Not really my type of outfit.”
“But I want you to wear it.”
Thomas nodded. “All right,” and went into the changing booth, returning shortly in just the speedo.
“Looking good,” Jon commented. “Go ahead, spin around so we can get a full look.”
“It kinda rides up a little in the back,” Thomas said. Nonetheless, he made a graceful twirl, the speedo neatly lifting his butt and leaving very little to the imagination.
“Pretty,” Jon said with a smile.
“Let’s go to the studio,” the Photographer urged, and they walked into the large room.
In the studio, Jon instructed Thomas to bend over his lap.
“Well, okay, this is the part that’s for you, huh?”
“Yeah, the sooner we do this, the sooner we can have your fun.”
“Okay,” Thomas replied, pulling himself into a firm position on Jon’s lap. “Have at it!”
“All right…”
SMACK! Jon smacked Thomas’ butt with the palm of his hand.
Thomas winced at the shock, but remained.
This was already getting Thomas turned on and he happily endured more blows as his buttocks began to turn pink from the pressure.
“This isn’t my normal type of shoot,” the Photographer chuckled. “But looks like everyone’s having fun.”
“You could go harder,” Thomas said with a sly smirk.
SMACK! Jon smacked Thomas’ ass so hard that the submissive star’s face turned red and he began to tear up.
“Okay… maybe not that hard…”
Jon laughed and gave a tug at the back of the speedo.
“YOW!” Thomas called. “Wedgie!”
“Yeah, hang in there.”
Jon pulled the back of the speedo so forcefully that it lifted Thomas’s hips into the air.
“Don’t worry, this is as bad as it gets,” Jon said before letting the speedo smack onto Thomas’ backside.
“Okay, do I get transformed now?” Thomas asked anxiously.
“We better loosen you up first,” Jon said. “I want you to dance first.”
“Dance?” Thomas asked.
“Here, drink this,” the Photographer said, offering a pale blue drink to Thomas.
Thomas downed it. “Oh, ugh, what was that?”
“It’s going to get you ready for the rest of the shoot,” the Photographer explained.
“Now, dance!” Jon commanded and smacked Thomas’ butt playfully. He pulled out his phone and started playing a club remix of “I Got No Strings” from Pinocchio.

“This works,” Thomas laughed and began shaking his hips.
Come on, put some oomph in it!”
Thomas began twerking, dipping as low as he could and thrusting his butt out. Maybe he wasn’t the best at it, but he had good energy.
Never would’ve thought he could pick it up as a go go boy,” the Photographer muttered as Thomas turned the twerking into a close lap dance for Jon.
Finally, Thomas worked his way onto seating himself on Jon’s lap and they kissed.

“Oooh, that’s very sweet!” the Photographer called. “Hold it!”

He took a photo of the two with interlocked lips.

“Great work, now for the next one,” the Photographer explained. He stepped into a room and pushed in what looked like a gurney.
“Lie down,” he instructed to Thomas, who obeyed.
Oh god, Thomas thought, his face smiling broadly, it’s happening! I’m going to get transformed! Everything I’ve ever wanted to experience is about to happen!
Let’s see, I’m going to need a couple extra pairs of hands,” the Photographer said with a smile. “Pietro! David!” the Photographer called.

Two hunky men entered the studio, wearing nothing but jeans. Jon and Thomas started at seeing two specimens enter the room.

“You didn’t tell me there’d be… this!” Thomas whispered to Jon.

“I didn’t know!”

The Photographer was giving David and Pietro some instructions, then they turned to Thomas and began putting straps on his wrists and ankles.

“What’s going on here?” Thomas asked.
“Just wait and see,” Pietro said, a soft Italian accent tinting his words.
“Are you two a couple?” David asked in his Mexican accent. “You make a cute one.”

“Uh, yeah,” Jon said, a little sheepish at having someone who looked like that calling him cute.

Pietro began pulling on the wrist straps while David began pulling on the ankles, Thomas’ arms and legs being pulled tight.

“Is this another torture scenario?” Thomas asked, a little disappointed. He was hoping the transformations would have started.
“They’re not done yet,” the Photographer said as Pietro and David kept pulling.

Thomas expected that his arms and legs would be pulled out of their sockets, so it was to his surprise that he felt the pulling continue, but his shoulders and hips didn’t give way. In fact, it didn’t really hurt.

“What’s going on?” Thomas asked. He sat up, only to see that his arms and legs were extending as if they were made of silly putty. “OH MY GOD!”

“How far can you make him stretch?” Jon asked, excited to see the change happening to Thomas.

“I suppose everything has a limit,” the Photographer said, taking a few shots. “But here in my studio, it might as well be infinite.”
“Jon!” Thomas called excitedly, “get over here and pull my midsection!”
David and Pietro grinned as they kept stretching Thomas’ arms and legs and Jon joined in, pulling at Thomas’ back, stretching his torso as well. Before long, Thomas was stretched into yards—possibly even miles—of flesh-colored coils of ropes all over the studio, his head poking out from somewhere, asking them to similarly elongate his neck, which was soon stretched to an extreme length as well.
Jon was struck with inspiration and held Thomas’ rope-like neck between his hands and began using it like a jump rope.
“All right, now what do we do with him?” Jon asked after some minutes of skipping.
“How good are you at braiding?” David replied.
“Step aside,” Pietro urged and Jon watched as the two models began weaving Thomas’ ridiculously long body into two large linked circles that they supported between them like an infinity symbol. The top of his neck and his head popped out from the middle while his hands and feet poked out elsewhere along the circles.
“Wow, you look great!” Jon said. He ran his hand over one of the circles. “What exactly am I touching?”
“I have some guesses,” Thomas admitted, “but really, I have no idea. Feels nice, though! So, how am I supposed to get back to normal?”
“Oh, right, there’s a reason why we don’t do that one often,” David chuckled. “Why do you think Chord Overstreet’s disappeared?”
Thomas started. “What? I thought everything was reversible.”
“It is,” Pietro explained. “Someone’s having a chuckle at your expense.”
“Of course,” the Photographer broke in. “You can actually manage your stretching yourself. It’d take awhile to master it, but I think trying to pull yourself back together should be easy.”
Thomas nodded.
“Go on,” Jon urged. “Pull yourself together, you can do it.”
Thomas closed his eyes and tried to pull his shoulders in.
“There he goes!” called David as WHAP! Thomas’ super-long body retracted to its normal length.
“He’s like a natural!” Pietro commented.
“Not quite,” the Photographer said.
Thomas had pulled everything back to the right length, but the force had wrapped his arms and shoulders around his body, making his body just about as thick as his neck until it got down to his hips.
“Easily fixed, I’m sure,” Jon commented and slowly un-twisted Thomas.
“That was amazing!” Thomas exclaimed as he hugged Jon.
“All right, clear the way,” the Photographer instructed. “Good number of things to do still.”
Pietro and David went into the adjoining room and returned with two large metal cylinders and soon rolled them over Thomas.
Thomas didn’t have time to say anything before he felt the pressure, which while it quickly pressed all the air out of him, it wasn’t painful. As they finished with the rollers, he found he was still able to breathe, but with very shallow breaths.
“I guess that takes a lot out of you,” he whispered to Jon.
“Thomas, you’re flat!” Jon replied.
Thomas looked up, finding himself curving upward, seeing that his body was just barely thicker than paper.
“Oh, that’s what that was…”
Jon chuckled and lifted Thomas, placing him around his shoulders like a scarf while the Photographer took a few shots. Afterward, Pietro and David helped him fold Thomas’ arms inward and then rolled him up from his feet first so his face was on the outside of the resulting cylindrical shape Thomas took on. Thomas was a little less than two feet tall while only about an inch thick.
“There’s all sorts of things you could do with him like that,” David commented.
Jon chuckled. “Maybe later,” he said and let the Photographer take photos of his boyfriend in a helpless shape in his hands.
Afterward Thomas was unrolled and his flattened form was stretched over a frame the models brought out from the adjoining room, transforming him into a good sized trampoline.
“Well, shoes off, gentlemen,” the Photographer instructed. “No jumping on the client with shoes.”
Jon joined the models in removing their shoes.
“And, if you’re fine with it,” the Photographer continued, “I’d prefer to have no shirts in this one either.”
Jon looked to the models. He wasn’t very muscly himself, unlike them.
Pietro gave him a quick pat on the shoulder.
“Come on, it’ll be great.”
Jon smiled and pulled off his shirt.
“There we go!” David said and tossed the shirt into a corner.
In a moment, the three were bouncing on Thomas, bouncing a good height into the air, laughing and having a great time. Finally, the three lay on Thomas, catching their breath with huge smiles stretched across their faces.
Thomas had been enjoying serving as a trampoline himself. If anything, having the three men jump on him felt like a massage. Given how faint his voice was while he was flattened, he had decided not to speak.
“All right, pump him up,” the Photographer instructed.
Jon stood back as Pietro went to the adjoining room and brought back an air pump while David removed the trampoline frame. Jon held Thomas’ flattened head steady as a hose was slid into his mouth and down his throat.
“All right, hold still,” the Photographer continued. “You might feel a little dizzy for a bit, Thomas, but you’re perfectly fine.”
Pietro began pumping Thomas full of air, which at first restored him to his three dimensional form, but then he began expanding even further, his stomach and butt growing first as his body expanded to almost spherical proportions.
“All right, that’s enough,” the Photographer instructed and Pietro gently removed the hose from Thomas’ mouth.
“Oh my,” Jon said and began rubbing Thomas’ round, taught body. It was like rubbing a balloon, with a thick, warm layer of skin instead of latex.
“Oh, my,” sighed Thomas at Jon’s touch. His voice had taken on a slightly higher pitch. Not quite as high as if he was full of helium, but there was still a change.
“Well, go on, have some fun,” the Photographer encouraged.
Jon rolled Thomas on his back and spun him around on the floor, his few non-inflated features whizzing around every second.
“Hey, over here!” called David and Jon rolled Thomas over to the two models. They rubbed and tickled him before lifting him between them and tossing him into the air.
Thomas felt light headed but also in good humor, so he chuckled and laughed at every touch, even as Jon and the models batted him back and forth, almost like a volleyball game without a net.
Finally, all four of the men were laughing and had let Thomas drift back down to the floor. Jon walked over to his boyfriend and began rubbing his body again, squeezing and pinching.
“Oooh, you’re being very handsy,” Thomas commented.
“I love having a big, sexy boyfriend,” Jon chuckled. Then he glanced over at the air pump. “And I bet he can get even bigger.”
Before anyone could stop him, Jon was shoving the nozzle into Thomas’ throat and activating it.
“Should we stop him?” Pietro asked.
“Let’s see how it works out,” the Photographer replied.
Thomas’ body began growing larger as Jon rubbed his sides and even kissed him. The enraptured boyfriend seemed blissfully unaware that the human balloon was now nearly half the size of the studio and growing steadily.
The Photographer folded up his camera stand. “Gentlemen,” he said to the models, “I believe we’re going to have to let this play out, if you wouldn’t mind stepping outside.”
He stepped out quickly.
“Hey!” Pietro called. Thomas had now grown so large, Pietro and David couldn’t get to the door.
“Are we about to get flattened by a former Vine star’s massive butt?” David huffed.
Although still feeling light headed, Thomas began to worry. He was huge now and while he had stretched seemingly infinitely earlier, he knew he had to have some limit. Would he explode? Would he destroy the building? Was there a point of no return?
Jon began to realize perhaps he shouldn’t have left the hose activated inside Thomas when he found himself pressed against the wall. Thomas was beginning to fill the entire room. Jon squeezed past until he reached Thomas mouth and pulled the hose out.
“Well, guess this one’s played out,” Jon said with a sigh and pushed against Thomas.
A huge gust of air escaped Thomas’ lips and he began to grow smaller. Not completely, but he didn’t touch the walls anymore.
“Okay, just work with me,” Jon said and kept pressing and squeezing Thomas, making him shrink down to his normal size and shape, ending with his arms around his boyfriend.
Thomas hugged him back. “That was awesome!”
The Photographer entered the room and looked around. “Dear me…”
Jon and Thomas looked around to see David and Pietro flattened and plastered to the wall.
“Sorry!” the two boyfriends said in unison, but the Photographer only chuckled and peeled his assistants off of the wall. With a quick whip, they were returned to three dimensions.
“No problem,” David said with a smile.
“Occupational hazard,” Pietro added.
“Wait, how many times has that happened to you?” Thomas asked.
“Now for the next treatment for our dear Mr. Sanders,” the Photographer interrupted.
Pietro went into the next room and returned with a steel cylindrical machine and set it down.
“Step onto it, please,” the Photographer instructed and Thomas obeyed.
“What exactly does this do?” Jon asked.
“It’s more or less a shortcut for some of the things we can do. Usually, my clients need to be tricked, but given how eager Thomas is, he’s much easier to work with. Now, if you’d select his next form here…”
Thomas watched in anticipation as the Photographer held up a small tablet and Jon smirked and tapped the screen. Immediately, the top of the machine he was on opened and he was pulled into it, his body being compressed by the machinery, being reworked. It wasn’t painful, but the feeling did elicit a few groans as he was being processed into some new form. It felt as if his arms, legs, neck had all been pressed into his torso, which was then flattened firmly. He tried to move, but couldn’t move a single muscle.
“Yikes!” he called as he felt a small hose sneak into the speedo he was wearing, slip into his butt and dispense a quick puff of air. The side of the machine opened, and Thomas rolled out, now the shape and size of a basketball.
Jon picked up Thomas and began dribbling him, bouncing him from the floor back into his hands.
“Hmm, squeezable, but firm,” Jon commented. “Just like your butt.”
Pietro and David chuckled.
“Here, give him a squeeze!” Jon called and tossed Thomas to Pietro, who caught him and gave him a playful squeeze.
“Very nice.”
Shortly, David was holding Thomas and squeezing him.
“Hey, watch this,” he chuckled and balanced Thomas on his right index finger and spun him for a few seconds until he slid off.
Pietro caught Thomas and tried to spin him on his finger, but only managed to go for a bit longer than David. Jon tried and managed to hold the spin for about ten seconds.
“Have none of you played basketball before?” asked the Photographer.
The three chuckled as they shook their heads.
“All right, let me show you how it’s done,” he said as he picked up Thomas and spun him on his finger, carefully rotating his finger to keep the spin going. A minute passed, then two, then three.
“It’s not even that hard,” he chuckled before tossing Thomas back to Jon.
Thomas, meanwhile, hadn’t said a word, not because he couldn’t but because it was exciting to be tossed and used like an object and handled by such handsome men. Even the Photographer had a nice grip.
“Now, as I seem to have won that,” the Photographer said, “allow me to select the next form for Mr. Sanders, I’m sure you’ll enjoy it.”
“Yeah, sure!” Jon said and put Thomas on the machine that had made him into a ball.
“What’s the next one?” Thomas asked.
“You’ll see,” the Photographer teased and tapped the tablet.
Thomas quickly descended back into the machine and felt himself get pressed, all the air in him being pressed back out and then he was flipped upside down and pushed again. Then he felt himself being twisted and pressed down again. Finally, he dropped out of the machine again, but was unable to see.
“You turned him into underwear?” Jon asked as he picked up Thomas.
“Swim trunks,” the Photographer explained.
“A speedo,” David commented.
Jon looked Thomas over. His boyfriend could now be easily held between two fingers and had an alternating pattern of blue and flesh tone stripes.

Go on, try him on,” Pietro urged.
Jon walked slowly into the adjoining changing room, stripping down to nothing. As he pulled Thomas to put his legs into, he saw his boyfriend’s face on the inside of the trunks, right on the front.
“Hey there,” Jon said.
“So, I’m putting you on.”
“That’s gonna put your face… right there.”
“Not the first time it’s been there. Go ahead and pull me up so I can hug that big butt of yours.”
Jon chuckled and pulled Thomas up over his hips and groin.
“I didn’t think swim trunks had that pocket in the front,” Jon commented. “Oh wait, that’s not a pocket…”
Thomas hummed happily.
“How does he fit?” David asked as Jon walked out of the changing room.
“Snug and comfy,” Jon replied. He glanced at Pietro and David who were now dressed quite similarly to himself. “Are those speedos actually people too?”
“Maybe,” Pietro answered with a smirk. “You ever modeled before?”
“Well, we can help you out,” David said.
The two models helped Jon with some poses as the Photographer took several shots of him wearing Thomas.
“Looking great, Jon!” the Photographer called.
“Thanks!” Jon replied and adjusted Thomas, who’d gotten wedged into a tight spot.
“They say the best partner really brings out the best in you,” Pietro commented. “I can really see it with you two.”
Jon laughed.
“Never thought being nearly naked, wearing my boyfriend, next to a couple supermodels would make me feel better about myself.”
“That’s great!” the Photographer commented. “Let’s see… Oh, you got about five seconds. Might want to cover up.”
“What?” Jon asked when Thomas suddenly slid off of his hips and onto the floor, restored to human form. He helped Thomas stand before realizing he was now totally naked.
“Sorry,” Jon said out of instinct and hurried to the changing room and pulled his clothes back on. When he returned, Thomas was happily chatting with the models and the Photographer.
“There you are,” the Photographer said. “We were just getting ready for the next pose.”
With that he pulled out a strange device, pointed it at Thomas and hit a button. A white beam shot out of the device and struck Thomas who stood and crossed his arms.
“What did that do?” Jon asked before he saw that Thomas was turning grey, becoming a marble statue.
Jon looked Thomas over. He nearly wanted to ask if Thomas was all right, but he remembered that everything the Photographer did was reversible and he’d already seen some incredible things. He touched Thomas’ stone body. It was cool.
“Go ahead, pose with him,” the Photographer encouraged Jon. “Pose, have fun.”
Thomas, meanwhile, felt himself frozen to the spot. It was not uncomfortable, and he could still see and hear the room, although he couldn’t change his line of vision or speak. But when Jon touched him, he could feel his fingers bringing warmth to him, which felt amazing.
Jon posed against Thomas, rubbing his warmth all over as the Photographer took several pictures. At one point, Pietro and Thomas turned Thomas around so the Photographer could get shots of Jon patting and rubbing Thomas’ stone buttocks.
Thomas was feeling very turned on, getting more and more excited until suddenly, he found himself taking a deep breath, wrapped in Jon’s arms.
“Hey, he’s back to normal!” Jon said.
“Of course,” the Photographer explained, “it’s much easier to handle these situations when it’s two people who are very attracted to each other.”
As he spoke, Pietro and David brought in a conveyor belt and a large, metal box on wheels that had a square opening that the belt would lead into.
Thomas hopped up on the belt.
“Okay, let’s go!”
“Hold on,” the Photographer explained. “We need to strap you down.”
“Why?” Thomas asked as he laid down and Pietro and David strapped him in.
“Just for safety purposes, you know.”
“Don’t want anything happening to my guy now,” Jon continued with a smile.
“After everything we’ve already done?” Thomas asked, but in a few seconds, he was being fed into the machine.
Thomas had perhaps one second after fully entering the machine before he felt himself being pressed above his head and on his feet. It wasn’t painful, but being forced into a completely inanimate shape wasn’t ever comfortable as having his limbs being rendered totally stationary was the real problem. But still, he was loving being transformed into different shapes. He might have to figure out some other time that he could have another session with the Photographer.
Thomas grunted as he felt the pressure squeeze his body to fit the square dimensions of the cavity he’d been pressed into. Finally, the pressure relaxed and the conveyor belt began to reverse itself, carrying Thomas back out, pressed into a large but neatly formed cube.
“Oh, he looks so sturdy!” Jon exclaimed with a smile.
Pietro and David lifted Thomas off of the belt and placed him on a soft rug they’d just unrolled on the floor. They then pushed the machine out of the room.
Jon sat on Thomas, whose face was flattened on the front of the cube while his butt was forced up on the top.
“Very cushy,” Jon said as he patted Thomas. He tried a few poses, ending with him lying on Thomas as if he was asleep.
“All right, next shape,” the Photographer instructed and Jon jumped off as Pietro and David pulled at Thomas, restoring him to normal.
“Okay, what’s next?” Thomas asked eagerly.
“Bit of a snack,” the Photographer replied as David entered with a seat that Thomas took.
“What kind of snack—” Thomas began, but saw Pietro enter with a large cart stacked high with donuts. Dozens and dozens of them. “Oh my…”
David and Pietro began feeding the donuts to Thomas, who quickly began chewing. The donuts felt light and airy and were easy to chew as he quickly swallowed and began on more.
Thomas might not have been able to see the effects the donuts had as he focused on eating more, but Jon did. Thomas’s neck disappeared as he grew a double chin. His chest vanished as he grew a belly, his pecs being pushed forward on lumps of flesh. His upper arms and thighs grew thicker, not to mention his buttocks rounding out very nicely. The donuts had some formula that quickly turned Thomas from a handsome, tall young man into a round, fat butterball of a person.
Very soon, the donuts were gone, having disappeared into Thomas’ gullet. Pietro and David took away the empty cart.
“There’s my big boy,” Jon said, rubbing Thomas’ belly.
“Oh, man, didn’t think I’d get this huge,” Thomas chuckled.
“Yeah, me neither,” Jon said. He rubbed Thomas’ pecs. “Is this… blubber or are you inflated like a balloon again?”
Thomas poked his belly. “Pretty sure it’s solid.”
Jon shrugged. “Well, you look fantastic.” With that he put his face between Thomas pecs and “motorboated.”
“Can you stand?” Pietro asked as he and David walked back in.
Thomas tried to rise from the seat and fell over and rolled onto the floor.
“Guess I’m not used to carrying all this weight,” he huffed.
“Yeah, fatty,” David chuckled. He put a foot on Thomas’ belly and rolled him so he was face down. “Can’t even get back up, can you?”
“No,” groaned Thomas.
“Hey, bongos!” called Pietro and began drumming on Thomas’ buttocks.
Jon chuckled and rolled Thomas over again, only to see that Thomas’ speedo had a bulge in front.
“You like this?” he asked.
Thomas grinned sheepishly.
“I’m gonna have to keep that in mind.”
He blew a raspberry on Thomas’ belly just before Pietro and David wrapped Thomas in a thick canvas and lifted him between them, hanging him from a hook on the ceiling, his face poking out of the top of what looked like a punching bag.
David quickly stepped out of the room and returned with three pairs of boxing gloves that he handed to Jon and Pietro and put on his own pair.
“Wait, what are you guys about to do?” Thomas asked, though he already had a good idea.
“Time to trim down,” Pietro said and with that, he and David led Jon in punching the bag—with Thomas inside—forcefully.
Jon couldn’t help but laugh. Thomas, on the other hand, almost felt like a balloon again, except instead of deflating like one, his fat cells were quickly shrinking, reversing his massive amount of weight gain. In no time, Thomas was back to his thin self.
“Wow, it worked!” he called.
Pietro and David chuckled and kept at punching the canvas. Jon hesitated, but decided to follow their lead. Thomas’ face sunk into the canvas and disappeared.
“All right, that’s enough,” the Photographer called and the blows stopped.
David collected the gloves and Pietro reached into the canvas and pulled out a long, thin tube: Thomas. He handed the tube to Jon.
“Go ahead and blow him up,” Pietro instructed.
Jon looked at the tube and saw that one end was clearly Thomas’ face, so he put his lips to Thomas’ tiny lips and blew. Thomas inflated like a long sausage link, his little head at one end.
“How’d he get so small?” Jon asked.
“Who cares?” said Thomas’ little high-pitched voice. “I love it!”
Pietro chuckled and took Thomas from Pietro and began twisting him up. In a few seconds, Thomas was a balloon animal, his head serving as the animal’s head, with his body twisted into two sets of legs connected by a little midsection and the end pointing up into a tail.
Jon chuckled and posed with Thomas for the Photographer. After a few poses, the Photographer reached for Thomas.
“Now, this next one is going to be rather intense, sir,” the Photographer explained, “but I want to reassure you before we proceed, everything we do in here is reversible.”
“Yeah, and it’s great!” squeaked Thomas.
“Well, this one is a bit much,” the Photographer continued. “Just want to assure you, you’ll be fine.”
“It’s no problem, do it!”
“Wait, what’s going to happen to him?” Jon asked.
“You’re going to eat him.”
“Wait, what?” Jon asked, but Pietro had grabbed Thomas and shoved him into a steel container. Before Jon could say anything else, David put a hand mixer into the container and with a whir, Thomas was reduced into a small amount of goo.
“And now for baking,” David said and took the container to an adjoining room.
Jon was too surprised to say anything, but soon smelled a delicious smell and in a moment, David returned with an unfrosted cupcake.
Jon poked the cupcake. It was firm but springy.
“What’s a cake without frosting?” Pietro asked and held up a can of frosting, spraying a neat pile of blue frosting on the cupcake.
“All right, he’s all ready,” the Photographer instructed. “Go ahead and enjoy!”
Jon lifted the cupcake. It’s okay, he thought. It’s all reversible, Thomas will be back.
Thomas, meanwhile, was enjoying being helplessly held in Jon’s fingers. Go ahead, he was thinking. Eat me!

Jon opened his mouth wide and put the cupcake in. He bit down and began chewing. A sweet, rich flavor filled his tastebuds. Finally, he swallowed.
Thomas didn’t feel pain as what was left of him was shredded by his boyfriend’s teeth, mixing with his saliva and forced into his throat and stomach. Instead, it was euphoric as he was broken down, being dispersed as nutrients.

Thomas wasn’t sure how he seemingly blacked out, but in a moment, he found himself in a glass tube, wearing only the blue speedo, completely in a human form again. Pietro, David and Jon stood over him, having opened a panel on the tube so he could step out.

“What happened?” Thomas said. “Did they… remove me somehow from inside Jon?”

“No,” the Photographer explained. “You were changed back, but Jon still ate a cupcake.”

“But I was the cupcake, I felt it.”


“So am I in two places at the same time?”

“Last transformation,” the Photographer went on.

David cleared the room while Pietro handed Thomas a blue gumball.

“Go ahead and chew,” he instructed.

“Is this just like Willy Wonka?” Thomas asked excitedly. “It turns me into a blueberry?”

“Yeah,” the Photographer replied.

Thomas popped the gumball into his mouth and began chewing right away. “Hope it goes right to my ass.”

Jon hugged and rubbed Thomas as his face began to turn blue, starting from his nose outward. Shortly, his entire body was blue with a soft violet tinge.

“Just about time for the swelling to kick in,” David commented, having returned to the room.

Thomas’ butt indeed swelled first, like two beach balls, stretching the speedo. Jon grabbed it.

“You’ve got the juiciest butt I’ve ever seen!” he chuckled.

Thomas hummed as he chewed happily, his body growing large and round for the third time that day. Jon rubbed Thomas’ back and sides and kissed at his neck.

“I can still hardly believe you’re into this,” Thomas said as he chewed.

“There’s just so much more of you to love,” Jon chuckled.

Thomas kept growing to nearly spherical proportions, the swelling gradually getting slower and slower.

“All right,” the Photographer said at last. “Time for juicing.”

“How’s that going to work?” Thomas asked. “You gonna shove something in my…”

“No, it’s nothing that invasive, we’re just going to press you.”

Pietro and David had brought in a square metal box and opened it and rolled Thomas into it, his blue face sticking out of the top. Pietro tapped a button and with a whir, Thomas began being pressed. He winced and gritted his teeth.

“Does it hurt?” Jon asked.

“A little,” Thomas said. “The really hard part is that this is the last one. I’ve wanted to be transformed forever, and I got it and now it’s almost over. This has been the best day of my life, but honestly, I wish it could last forever.”

The Photographer called Jon over to him and they spoke while Thomas was drained. In a few moments, Jon walked back to Thomas with a vial of a silvery liquid.

“The Photographer says that you’ll still swell back up, but this should help you recover,” he said and held the vial to Thomas’ lip, who drank it.

“Whoa, that’s a little bitter.”

“Now, time to take you home,” Pietro said. He and David led Thomas outside while he could walk, but by the time they reached a truck, he’d swelled back up again, though the blue tint was beginning to fade. They rolled him onto the back of the truck with the help of a ramp and strapped him down.

Jon picked up Thomas’ belongings and after finalizing some details with the Photographer, drove back to Thomas’ apartment while David and Pietro followed in the truck, with a slowly shrinking Thomas in the back. By the time they arrived, Thomas had shrunk back to his normal human form and the blue color had disappeared.

Thomas and Jon entered the apartment quietly.

“It’s so weird going back to normal life after all that,” Thomas said.

“I mean, you’re still wearing nothing but a speedo.”

“Hey, free gift.”

“Yeah, that’s not the only one.”

Jon pulled out his phone and opened an app. He tapped the screen and Thomas found himself looking up at Jon from the floor, now in a small shape and barely able to move. It wasn’t until Jon lifted him in one hand that he realized he was a ball again, just a little smaller than a bowling ball.

“But… how?” Thomas asked.

“That stuff you drank just before you left, it had some stuff in it that will let me transform you with this app the Photographer gave me. He saw you wanted to keep experiencing it, so he let us do it any time we want, almost any shape we want.”

“Really? Hey, how about we announce our relationship with a parody of ‘Friend Like Me’ and I’m the Genie?”

“That sounds like a great idea!” Jon replied with a smile. “All in good time. We shouldn’t rush it.”

“So, what are you going to do with me in this shape?”

“Oh, I have ideas.”

He peeled the speedo off of Thomas, revealing his bare ass, which was most of the ball shape.

“Let’s give you another spin, okay?”

He poked Thomas’ butt with his finger, wedging it in between the cheeks. He lifted his boyfriend up and spun him.

“Oh fuck!” Thomas yelled as he felt Jon teasing his hole as he spun.

After spinning him for some time, Jon pulled his finger out of Thomas and lifted his butt to his face, pulling the cheeks apart and sticking his tongue in, licking.

“Had to go back in for a second taste, huh?” Thomas asked between moans.

“Mmm hmm!” Jon hummed.

“You know, I’d be open to taste you too.”

Jon grinned and lowered Thomas to his groin, opening his pants to reveal his dick. Thomas opened his mouth wide as Jon’s cock went down his throat. Jon held him in place with one hand and managed to undress with the other, going to Thomas’ bed and lying down. Thomas, of course, was sucking and licking Jon’s member before Jon finally ejaculated down his throat.

“That was quicker than I expected,” Thomas commented as he was lifted off.

“I’ve been holding back most of the day,” Jon admitted. “Guess I’m into transformed dudes too now. Mostly just you, though. Speaking of which…”

He tapped the screen on his phone, which stretched Thomas into a serpentine shape, stretching his body into a long tube with his butt and genitals on one end and his head on the other.

“Whoa!” chuckled Thomas as he arced his body above his boyfriend. He leaned in and kissed Jon’s chest. “I think you’re going to have to hold me down. Hope it’s fun for you.”

Jon balanced Thomas’ butt on his groin and rubbed his dick between his cheeks as Thomas kissed him all over, wrapping himself around his boyfriend as his new form allowed him to stretch easily. Finally, Jon was erect again and forced his dick into Thomas’ butt. He flipped over to easily begin thrusting.

“Huh, what to do?” Thomas asked coyly as he arced his neck over Jon.

Jon used a free arm to pat his own bare ass.

“Great idea, hun,” Thomas said with a grin. “I’m going in.”


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