Fred and George's New Friend

Disclaimer: Despite their depicted ages in official Wizarding World media, the story below and all images are created with the intent that all characters are at least 18 years of age or older.

It is said that there are an infinite number of universes, a different one for each possible outcome for everything that has ever happened.

In the Wizarding World, it is known that during the Triwizard Tournament that Harry Potter participated in, the life of young Cedric Diggory was ended by Lord Voldemort. What is not so well known is that there was at least one universe in which the offspring of Mr. Potter went back in time to save Cedric by using the Engorgio spell. As the young Mr. Potter discovered, this led to Cedric becoming a Death Eater, following Voldemort.

Yet given the theory that there are so many universes, what if there was one in which Cedric simply lost after being humiliated and feeling disgraced, only finished his school years in anonymity? Perhaps he was able to help a little in the Battle of Hogwarts, and in doing so, wound up saving the life of one Fred Weasley. Fred would never realize that he owed his life to Cedric, who would never get his deserved thanks, particularly as the combined efforts of Harry Potter, Neville Longbottom and other more prominent characters finally brought about the end of Lord Voldemort.

At the very least, no one mentioned his embarrassing Triwizard Tournament loss to Cedric anymore.

So, our story begins as a recently-graduated Cedric Diggory traveled down Diagon Alley, deciding to stop in the shop known as Weasley’s Wizard Wheezes.

“Hello,” the twin proprietors said as he entered the door. They were counting up the money in the register.

“Oh, is it a bad time?” Cedric asked.

“Closing time,” Fred replied.

“I was just about to lock up,” George added.

“Oh, that’s too bad,” the visitor commented. “I actually haven’t been in your shop before.”

George nodded and waved his wand to the door, locking it. “I suppose a private tour could be in order… for the loser of the big Triwizard Tournament.

Cedric’s face turned red.

“Oh, what, thought we forgot about that?” Fred asked.

“There’s no way we would forget it,” George chuckled. “One minute you’re underwater, next thing you know, you’re a giant balloon of a boy rising out of the water.”

“Falling so far behind you didn’t even place. Kinda sums you up, doesn’t it?”

Cedric’s face turned red. “It was an accident, I don’t even know how it happened.”

“Looks like you learned something,” Fred chuckled. “Hey, George, he can make his face change colors!”

“That’s pretty good,” George commented. “Can you do green?”

“Or purple?”

Cedric let out a long breath. Calm down, he thought. Don’t let them get under your skin.

“Hey, Cedric,” George said, “how much did you learn from old McGonagall?”

“Yeah, you know how to turn yourself into an animal?” Fred added.

“Which one do you think he’d be?”

“Isn’t it obvious? A nice, big chicken!”

The twins laughed and began to mimic a chicken’s sqwaking.

“I’m not afraid of you,” Cedric said coolly and took his wand out.

Expelliarmus!” called Fred, firing his wand, and Cedric’s wand went flying across the room.

Cedric turned to pull at the door, forgetting that it was locked.

“Cedric, our dear friend,” chuckled George, “you don’t have a clue what you’re about to do for us.”

Cedric turned.

“What… what do you mean?”

Fred smiled.

“You see, back in the tournament when you blew up, it was all George and I could talk about or think about for weeks. Months. We still think about it often.”

“I… I don’t get it,” stammered Cedric.

Petrificus totalus,” called Fred, and Cedric froze up and dropped to the floor. Soon, the twins had him levitating behind them as they went upstairs to a small apartment area above the shop where they would stay.

And now,” George chuckled as the helpless Cedric lay before them, “Reducto!”

Cedric’s clothes began to disintegrate and left him in only his socks and briefs.

“Hey, George,” Fred said, “you see what I see?”

George nodded, looking down at the bulge in Cedric’s briefs.

“Petrificus indeed,” he chuckled. “Liking this, Cedric?”

If Cedric wasn’t under a spell, he would have told them that no, he wasn’t enjoying this. In fact, he was furious at being held against his will!

Fred put his hand on Cedric’s chest.

Mmm, nice and tight...” he chuckled before running his hand up to Cedric’s pecs and rubbing them.

Cedric could feel all of this. He was loathe to admit it to himself, but it felt great. He wanted to tell Fred, but the spell had rendered him immobile.

George began rubbing the soles of Cedric’s feet.

“Wow… nice and strong.”

Hey, George, dare you to suck his nasty, dirty toes.”

Cedric kept himself clean and really, his feet only had a bit of regular sweat on them. Fred was just trying to get under his skin.

George smirked.

“Ew, so gross...”

He put Cedric’s left big toe in his mouth. Fred chuckled.

“Okay, didn’t think you’d actually do it!”

George pulled his mouth off. “Yeah, he tastes awful… well, at least that part.” He walked around to Cedric’s face and ran his hand through his hair. “At least he’s pretty.” He bent down and kissed Cedric, swirling his tongue inside his mouth. “Yeah, that’s much better.”

“Don’t get too sweet with him,” Fred smirked, reaching for his wand. “We got a good bit more fun to have with him.”

Fred lifted the tip of his wand and moved it in a circle, making Cedric flip over. He raised it and the back waistband of Cedric’s briefs began to pull up into the air. The briefs stretched a little and wedged themselves sharply between Cedric’s buttocks.

Ow! Cedric thought.

George raised his wand and wiggled it up and down in the air, as if he was tapping it. In sync, Cedric’s briefs began shaking him, wedging tighter between his cheeks.

What the hell? Cedric thought as Fred began to laugh.

Fred raised his wand and waved it. Cedric was pulled into the air and the briefs flew and hung themselves on a peg on the wall.

The two twin brothers laughed at the sight of Cedric hanging neatly on their wall.

Let me go already! Cedric angrily thought.

And one more for good measure!” George said at last. He raised his wand and the back of Cedric’s briefs stretched up, tearing and tucking itself over his forehead. He dropped to the floor.

Fred laughed and waved his wand, pulling off the shreds of Cedric’s underwear off, exposing him fully to them.

As I said earlier,” chuckled George, looking Cedric over, “petrificus indeed. Now, let’s check out the goods.”

He and Fred waved their wands in a circular motion. Cedric was turned around, showing his firm, round butt to them. With a few more flicks, he was forced to bend over.

“Oh, yeah, that’s very nice,” Fred commented. “Expecto paddlum!

A pale, blue ethereal paddle appeared over Fred’s wand. George repeated it and also soon had a paddle.

“And now for the fun part,” George said.

WHACK! With a twitch of his wrist, George sent his paddle towards Cedric’s butt.

Ow! Cedric thought.

SMACK! Fred’s paddle smacked his buttocks again.


SMACK! WHACK! Over and over, the paddles cracked against Cedric’s backside. Suddenly, he whimpered, a tear rolling down his face.

“Did you hear something?” George asked.

“I think the spell’s wearin’ off,” Fred replied.

“Oh, pity.”

SMACK! WHACK! The two continued paddling Cedric’s posterior, which began to turn red, growing sore from the repeated abuse.

“Please!” Cedric whined at last, tears streaming from his eyes.

“You know what?” George finally said to Fred, “let’s have him cool off.”

“Thank you,” Cedric sighed as the two took his hands.

The two began to lead Cedric over to their beds.

“Thank goodness,” he sighed. “I could use a rest.”

“Who said anything about that?” Fred asked.

The two turned toward a door near their beds.

“What is that?”

Fred waved his wand and the door opened, revealing it to be a small bathroom.

“What are you going to do?” Cedric asked warily.

The two smirked and waved their wands. Cedric rose into the air and turned upside down.

“Fred? George? What are you doing?”

They waved their wands again and Cedric went flying into the little bathroom, hovering over the toiler.

“Please… don’t!”

Fred lowered his wand and Cedric felt his head lower into the cold water in the porcelain bowl.

“And flush,” George said, flicking his wand, making the toilet change out its water, getting Cedric’s hair and face drenched.

“NO!” Cedric moaned.

“Relax,” Fred chuckled, and in a moment, Cedric was being placed gently on the floor not far from the beds. George stepped forward and gave him a towel. Cedric began rubbing his face and hair vigorously.

“Guess he’s back to a hundred percent,” George observed.

“Just like old times,” Fred added.

“What is the matter with you two?” Cedric gasped. “You get me naked and do… this and… How am I supposed to go anywhere with no clothes?”

George smirked and waved his wand again, and the towel began to change and wrap itself around Cedric’s torso, transforming into a tank top and diving shorts.

“There we go, neat and pretty,” Fred commented.

“Well… it’s not what I’d prefer to be dressed in, but thank you for this at least.”

“Recognize what you’re wearing, pretty boy?” George asked.

Cedric looked down and realized how the twins had dressed him.

“It’s my diving suit from the second task of the Triwizard Tournament… the day I…”

“You got it!” Fred said with a smile breaking out on his face. “Engorgio!

A circle of icy blue light burst from the tip of Fred’s wand and flew to Cedric.

“No no no…” Cedric moaned under his breath as he felt himself lose control of his body. He closed his eyes as he felt the enchantment he’d only ever known once before come over him again. His fingers and toes swelled up, and at the same time, so did his chest, losing whatever muscle definition he had under bloated flesh. His shapely neck bloated out into rolls, and his rear end began to inflate like two balloons. His arms and legs grew stubby as they disappeared into his nearly spherical body. His clothes stretched tight over his body.

“Beautiful!” George exclaimed with a sigh as he looked up at the inflated young man.

He raised his wand and twitched his wrist. In sync, Cedric flew across the room. Fred grinned and began waving his. The twins laughed merrily as the inflated Cedric bounced from wall to wall, flying to the ceiling and dropping sharply to the floor.

Cedric had given up on trying to protest. He was stuck until the twins were done with him. And somehow, this knowledge was exciting. In his helplessness, he somehow felt free.

After about ten minutes, the two made Cedric rest on one of their beds. Taking a piece of string, George tied Cedric’s left foot to the bed.

“All right, time for a little game,” Fred explained. He batted at Cedric, knocking him over to George, who with a flat open palm, slapped Cedric’s butt, sending him flying back over to his brother, who responded in kind.

I didn’t realize the Weasley twins liked guys, Cedric thought. No, wait… they don’t like guys… they like me! After years of being ignored by everyone, someone was giving him attention. Someone was interested in him. Not Harry Potter, not Neville Longbottom, but just plain old loser Cedric Diggory.

All of the groping and slapping of his butt was getting him worked up. He could feel himself getting hard. If they kept it up much longer, he might just climax.

“Whoa there!” chuckled George. “Someone’s really enjoying himself.”

“I’d say!” Fred added. “Hold on. I’ve got just the thing.”

He hurried downstairs but came back up in a minute with a little tin. As he walked back to Cedric, he opened it up and took out a little white wafer.

“Open wide, pretty boy,” he said.

Cedric opened his mouth and Fred slipped it inside. It tasted a little bitter, but not unpleasant, and the aftertaste didn’t linger.

“Brand new product we got,” George explained. “A strictly behind the counter charm.”

“Wait, what does it do?” Cedric asked.

“Keeps you from climaxing until you say the spell to break it.”

“But,” Cedric said with a sigh, “I was looking forward to it.”

George looked over to Fred.

“Should we cut him a deal?” Fred asked.

“Sure,” George replied with a smile.

“What deal?” Cedric asked.

“We’ll let you climax if you let us get down to business with you.”

“Business?” Cedric asked. “Are you trying to get to my dad through me?”

“Not that kind of business,” George sighed.

“He means fucking you,” Fred replied. “As in, you let us put our cocks inside your mouth and arse and let us have some fun.”

Cedric’s face flushed. No one had ever propositioned him for sex before. He’d had a couple of times with some girls, but the Weasleys were guys. He wasn’t used to being fucked. He didn’t even know if he’d enjoy it. Still, why not give it a shot?

“Go ahead,” Cedric said at last. “You only live once, after all.”

Fred and George smiled at each other.

“I knew I liked this fellow,” Fred remarked.

“I call dibs on his arse,” George said.

“No fair!” Fred retorted. “We hadn’t agreed on doing picks.”

“Too bad, I called dibs.”

“You can’t just call dibs on a man’s arse.”

“I just did.”

“Cedric, tell him that you can’t just call dibs like that!”

“Well,” Cedric said awkwardly, “dibs is typically how it goes. So… I guess he gets it?”

Fred sighed. “Fine.”

The twins pulled Cedric onto the bed and secured him down. They transformed his diving clothes back into a towel and then began to undress themselves, revealing their lithe, toned, well-formed bodies.

“Have you ever done this to a guy before?” Cedric asked warily.

“Have we ever fucked a guy before?” George scoffed. “We’re a pair of red-headed handsome twins. Of course we’ve fucked guys before.”

“We had Neville before Hannah ever did,” Fred chuckled.

Neville?” Cedric asked in surprise.

Fred leaned down and locked his lips with Cedric, sticking his tongue inside his mouth and playing with Cedric’s own tongue. George pushed Cedric’s huge buttocks apart and thrust his tongue in between them.

Oh fuck, Cedric thought, enjoying the intensely pleasurable stimulation from the twins’ tongues.

After about ten minutes of this, the twins pulled their faces away from Cedric and stood up. Cedric could see Fred’s erect penis before it was slowly and gently put into his mouth.

Well, this is new, Cedric thought. Fred’s penis tasted mellow and salty, but not bad. In fact, having it in his mouth was very enjoyable. I could get used to this. He began to actively suck and work his tongue around the shaft and head.

“Oh, you’re good,” chuckled Fred, beginning to thrust lightly.

Soon, Cedric felt a forceful but slow pressure in his ass as George began to insert his cock. It was painful as his anus stretched to accommodate George’s sizable member, but it was a pain that felt good.

George patted Cedric’s swollen ass as he kept on shoving his dick inside. Once he was fully in, he began rubbing and kissing Cedric’s inflated form and then, he began thrusting as well.

Oh god, Cedric thought as the twins thrusted into him. I guess I love it.

Despite being the second to begin, George climaxed first, Cedric feeling a load of white, hot, sticky cum being shot into him, almost feeling as if he could feel it going up through his intestines and into his stomach.

Fred was next, squirting a hot load of semen into Cedric’s mouth, the inflated young man having no choice but to swallow it, tasting sweet and chalky.

Cedric gasped as the twins pulled out of him.

That was… ULK!” he groaned as George put some sort of object into his ass, plugging it.

“Had fun, Cedric?” Fred asked.

“Oh yeah…” was the reply.

Get used to it,” George said. “Because you’ll be doing this for us whenever we want.”

“Or else we tell about how you love cock,” Fred added.

“Hey, you don’t gotta do that,” Cedric chuckled. “I mean it. I had a great time. If you want to fuck me, all you gotta do is ask. I haven’t felt wanted by anyone recently, and as strange as this has been, it’s been incredible.”

Fred and George smiled at each other.

“I guess we could take on a third member at Weasley’s Wizard Wheezes,” Fred suggested. “How about that, Cedric?”

“You mean work with you guys?” Cedric asked. “I’d love it!”

“You could even stay here with us so we can have fun a little more conveniently,” Fred continued. “Would you like that?”

“I’d love that!” Cedric enthusiastically responded.

“Sounds like we’ve got a plan,” George commented. “So, how about a second round?”

“Yes, please,” Cedric replied.



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