Living the Toon Life


Come on over if you want to unwind,” Juan remembered Sean saying. Well, it had been a tough day at the hospital, some time with his buddy and his boyfriend Shawn would be just what he needed. So instead of turning right at the intersection to go home, he went left.

Maybe we’ll play a video game or two, thought Juan as the blocks went by. Have a beer, hell, maybe I can even get a handjob.

He pulled into Sean and Shawn’s driveway and hurried up to the front door and rang the doorbell.

Sean opened the door, dressed in a t-shirt and shorts. “Hey, buddy, how’s it going?”

Thought I’d take you up on that offer,” Juan replied.

Sean smiled broadly.

Great! Come on in, we were just about to play some Super Smash Brothers.”

The two walked in to the den, where Shawn was starting up the game.

“Juan, good to see ya,” Shawn grinned as he got a third controller ready.

“Hey, I’ll get us a drink,” Sean said and headed to the kitchen.

Juan took a seat on a soft cushion on the floor and picked his favorite character. Shortly, Sean came in with some mojitos and served them, Juan eagerly downing his glass.

Shawn glanced at Sean. “Did you?” he whispered.

Sean nodded.

The three began playing. Juan was playing as Link, Shawn had picked Captain Falcon, and Sean was Kirby.

The battle was fierce, but Juan was victorious, with Sean coming in third.

As the results screen popped up, an anvil fell seemingly from nowhere onto Sean, crushing him.

“WHAT THE HELL?” yelled Juan.

Shawn smirked. “He got super smashed, bro.”

The anvil rose into the air and vanished.

What was left of Sean looked like a neat round shape, with Sean’s wide-eyed face flattened neatly on it.

“Holy fuck, he’s dead,” Juan gasped.

“Nah, he’s fine, just give him a sec.”

And as suddenly as the anvil had appeared, Sean popped up, back to normal, looking as good as if nothing had happened.

“Okay, who’s up for round two?” Sean asked.

“Hold the fucking phone, what the crap just happened?” Juan demanded.

“Dude, we’re toons.”

Juan blinked.

“Is this some Roger Rabbit shit?”

Nah, we drink this additive that lets us get flattened or squashed or change our shapes like cartoon characters. So much so, we’re basically like that permanently.”

It’s something you drink?” Juan asked.

We put it in everything,” Shawn replied, waiting for the penny to drop.

Did you put it in my mojito?” Juan asked after a moment.

Hey, the doctor’s smart after all!” Sean chuckled. “Yeah, you’re now a toon just like us!”

That’s not cool, man.”

Oh please, you’ll be fine! Better than fine, you can do much more than you ever thought possible!”

You should’ve seen my reaction when I first had it,” Shawn chuckled.

As I remember, you gave it to me,” Sean countered.

Shawn stuck his tongue out. Sean grabbed it and stretched it across the room, going for about five feet. Juan watched in awe.

THTOP!” called Shawn.

Sean let go of the tongue and it snapped back at Shawn’s face, making his eyes bug out before rolling back into his mouth.

So… that could happen to me?” Juan asked.

Of course,” Sean replied with a grin.

Juan looked down at himself and felt his arms. They didn’t feel soft or rubbery, they felt normal. He tried squeezing his left index finger between his right thumb and index finger. The bit where he was pressing flattened. He released it and it went back to normal.


It’s cool, right?” Sean asked. “Here, have another drink.”

Juan downed his next mojito.

I bet you guys have some crazy sex with this stuff.”

You wouldn’t even believe,” Shawn chuckled.

Come on, round two!”

The three played another round. Juan pulled his punches. He wanted to come in last, and as a brightly-colored video game battle proved, he was successful in his loss. Just after the screen declared him to be in third place, a heavy weight fell on him, squeezing out his air. He was breathing very shallowly as he felt his body instantly compress into a flat disc on his cushion. It was as if he couldn’t feel anything but also could feel everything all at once.

And then the weight was gone.

I don’t want to go back to normal just yet, he thought, I don’t want to…

And he didn’t.

Hey, Juan, you okay?” Shawn asked after a few minutes.

I think he likes it,” Sean chuckled and lifted Juan up.

Flattened, Juan was extra-sensitive. Normal human touch felt euphoric as Sean held him, turned him over, ran his fingers over him.

I love it,” Juan groaned.

There we go!” chuckled Sean.

He’s holding it,” commented Shawn. “You basically hold it with your thoughts, just think about going back to normal, and it’ll happen.”

Fuck the video game, let’s play frisbee,” chuckled Sean. He threw Juan to Shawn, who caught him.

Shawn’s sudden grip felt incredible to Juan. Like he was getting the best handjob he could imagine. And soon, it felt good again as he was thrown back to Sean.

All right, Juan thought, back to normal.

He popped back to three dimensions and normal shape in Sean’s arms.

Hey, Juan, hop into my arms,” called Shawn, grinning. “I’ll catch you!”

Juan dropped to the floor and ran to Shawn, jumping towards him. Shawn stepped out of the way, making Juan hit the wall, flattening against it like a cut out.

Shawn and Sean chuckled as they peeled him off, his eye stretching a bit before it popped off of the wall and into his nearly paper-thin head.

Wonder how far he can stretch?” Shawn asked.

They held him between them, Shawn holding his arms, Sean taking the legs and they pulled him between them, making him stretch longer and longer. Sean stayed in the den while Shawn moved into the kitchen, then the hall, and Juan just kept stretching.

Well, seems he’s more stretchy than silly putty,” chuckled Sean and let go of Juan, making him snap into the kitchen, resuming his normal form, flying into the air and landing on Shawn.

Sean ran into the kitchen and Juan scrambled up. The two found what was left of Shawn: his feet and his flattened face with bugged out eyes, the entire rest of his body squashed underneath his head and compacted.

Is he okay?” Juan asked.

Of course,” Sean replied. “I’m just gonna have a little fun with him.”

He picked up Shawn and carried him to the den where he set Shawn on a cushion and then sat on him.

Do you think I could blow my head up?” Juan asked.

Give it a shot,” Sean chuckled, squeezing Shawn down with his butt.

Juan held his nose and closed his mouth and began to blow. His head began to feel a little funny. He heard Sean snicker.

What’s so funny?”

You, man, look at yourself!”

Juan turned to a mirror on the wall and saw that his eyes had inflated and bugged out of his head.

What the heck, man? How do I fix it?”

Sean fell to the floor laughing as Shawn resumed his normal shape. Shawn noticed Juan’s predicament.

Good bop on the head should do it,” he commented and grabbed an umbrella from an umbrella stand. Sean grabbed something from the stand as well and both of them whacked Juan’s head, knocking him over, but his eyes deflated.

Thanks,” Juan said with a smile. “Uh… Sean, what is that?”

Sean looked and saw a lit stick of dynamite in his hand.

HOLY SHIT!” he shrieked and threw the stick to Shawn, who dropped the umbrella and caught it.

Juan backed up to the wall.

DON’T THROW IT TO ME, GET RID OF IT!” yelled Shawn, throwing it back.

It bounced off Sean and fell on the floor. Sean leaned over to pick it up when…


Juan looked down at himself. His skin was covered with ash and he was now only wearing his boxers.

Guys?” he asked, looking around and blinking. “Guys?”

There was no reply. He looked down and saw two piles of ash on the floor.

Shit, guys?” He didn’t think the fun would end like this. He almost despaired when he remembered that everything else had been crazy, maybe…

He looked over at the tray of drinks Sean had brought in and saw one last mojito. He grabbed it and emptied on the two piles. Sure enough, in moments, Sean and Shawn began to reform from the piles, also stripped down to their underwear.

Oh, thank fuck,” sighed Juan.

Yeah, hey, Juan, you’re looking pretty good,” Sean commented, crossing his arms.

Yeah, when did you get ripped?” Shawn added.

Juan chuckled and blushed.

Looks like you got a little tent going on there,” Sean continued.

Juan looked down and sure enough, he was turned on and his underwear was showing it.

Yeah, I think we can take care of that,” Shawn said with a smile.

The anvil fell on Sean, then vanished again. Shawn picked up the flattened Sean and pulled off Juan’s boxers, revealing the sizeable cock.

Okay, Sean, you better make this good,” Shawn chuckled. “Oooh, check it out, he’ll use tongue!”

He showed the flattened Sean to Juan. Sean’s face had his tongue sticking out and his eyes were huge and the pupils rolling around. Shawn wrapped Sean face side down on Juan’s cock and wrapped him around it.

Okay, now the fun part.”

Shawn put his hand around Sean and moved him up and down on Juan’s cock.

Oh, FUCK!” Juan moaned. It was better than any handjob he’d imagined getting before he found out what Sean and Shawn got up to. He could feel Sean’s flattened warm and wet tongue against his dick, moistening it and stimulating it. He laid back and let Shawn handle it. This was great!

Don’t be shy about cumming in him,” Shawn chuckled. “Guys make the best cum rags. They eat it all up.”

Juan moaned. He really wanted to cum now. Just a few more minutes and… there it went…

Awesome!” Shawn chuckled as he watched Sean swell up with Juan’s jizz. “Now if you liked that...”

Juan gasped as he felt Sean’s flat tongue begin lapping at the cum, brushing his cock.

Mmmm, fuck yeah,” he moaned. “Eat it all, bitch...”

The swelling eventually went down. Juan gasped as he felt Sean lick his cock clean.

Okay, then,” Shawn said and pulled Sean off and tossed him to the floor where he resumed his normal form.

Oh god, that was hot,” Juan said as he got up. “Anything you want me to do for you?”

Sean smirked. “Well, doc, I could use a prostate exam.”

Juan chuckled. “How about I use my tongue instead of my fingers?”

Just as long as you go deep.”


Sean pulled his underwear off and bent over on the couch, spreading his ass for Juan, who got down and began licking his hole, pulling the anus open so he could actually get inside.

Oh fuck,” gasped Sean. “You really know how to do it, doc.”

Juan smiled to himself and kept on.

I think he could go deeper,” Shawn suggested.

I think so too,” Sean replied. “But he might need some help. Hey Juan, if you want Shawn to help you really get in there, give us a thumbs up!”

Juan reached his arm out and gave the signal.

Okay, he asked for it!” Shawn declared and forcibly shoved Juan’s butt.

Juan felt himself compress as he was shoved inside of Sean’s ass, completely filling up the rectum, his body shrinking and narrowing, all except his feet, which stuck out of the hole. After realizing what had happened, he resumed licking, now deep, deep inside of Sean. He moved his fingers, which tickled.

OH GOD...” Sean moaned. He was getting hard from the backdoor action.

Shawn pulled his mouth open wide and inserted both of Juan’s feet into it and began sucking, which made Juan vibrate inside of Sean.

Holy fuck, he’s getting another boner inside of me!” laughed Sean, panting deeply. The feeling inside his ass was getting intense, but he loved it.

This went on for some time until Sean finally rolled over and sighed deeply.

Okay, guess we better get him out.”

Shawn pulled his mouth off and pulled Juan out by his feet. Juan retained his shape that he’d had inside of Sean, looking like a long and thick dildo.

Hmm, you know what, Shawn?” Sean chuckled. “I think you deserve a good fuck.”

He grabbed Juan and compressed him further between his hands, Juan turning into a little flat shape. Sean put Juan on the top of his rock-hard cock and pulled down, stretching him over it and covering it, like a condom.

Count yourself lucky, Juan,” Shawn said, kissing the covering of Sean’s cock. “You get to be inside both of our sexy asses today!”

Juan was loving this, every new change to his body was a thrilling sensual experience.

Shawn removed his underwear and rolled over, exposing his butt. Sean rubbed the cheeks, spreading them apart.

Typically, I’d give you a good rimming first, but I’m really fucking hard, so...”

He shoved his cock—covered by Juan—inside of Shawn.

Mmm, fuck!” moaned Shawn.

Juan felt ecstatic being squeezed between Sean’s rock hard cock and Shawn’s wonderful butt. He sweated, lubing up.

Oh fuck, he feels so good between us,” Sean gasped. He grabbed Shawn’s head and began pressing it down.

What the heck are you doing?” asked Shawn before he began to collapse on himself.

Sean didn’t answer, but kept rubbing Shawn all over, compressing and reshaping him. Before long, he came inside of Juan, who was inside of Shawn, but he soon felt Juan’s compressed little mouth and tongue begin to suck and lap it up.

I never want to fuck with a latex again.”

Shawn gasped as he felt Sean compact him even further around his groin. Before long, Shawn was the size and shape of a volleyball, with his butt on one side and his face on the other, but Sean kept going.

Whoa, man, seriously, what are you doing?” Shawn gasped before Sean rolled and compressed him into a tube shape.

You’re a fuckin’ fleshlight,” chuckled Sean. “Double ended for double the fun.”

He pulled his cock out of Shawn, stretching it and Juan to about three feet.

Now, I’m gonna fuckin’ ram your pretty mouth, bitch!”

He turned Shawn over and put his cock in the mouth side. Sliding Shawn up his cock, before long, his cock popped out of the other end, the flattened Juan covering it.

Boys make the best toys,” he chuckled as he slid Shawn up and down his shaft before inflating Juan with another huge load. He laid back and kept having Shawn slide up and down his cock as Juan slowly ate the cum.

Okay,” he sighed when Juan was done and his cock snapped back to its normal size.

Juan peeled off of Sean’s cock, but the end snapped into the mouth end of Shawn, who fell to the floor before turning back to normal.

Did… did you just eat Juan?” Sean gasped.

Shawn coughed, his face turning red.

Dude, get him out! We said we’d have fun, not eat him!”

Shawn’s eyes bulged cartoonishly as his face turned purple, then green before he finally coughed out a little flesh-colored wad.

Please tell me that’s him,” Shawn gasped, his face slowly resuming its normal hue.

Sean picked it up and stretched it out.

Oh, yeah!” He held the opening to his mouth and blew, Juan quickly inflating like a balloon.

Hey, he fills out nicely,” chuckled Shawn as Juan’s flattened form was inflated to about six feet.

He sure does, would be a shame if I just…” Sean let go of Juan, letting him fly around the room as the air flew out of him. “…Oops…” he finished with a smirk.

Juan finally landed, fully restored to his normal shape.

Holy shit, that was a wild ride,” he said with a smile.

He hurried over to Sean and Shawn and hugged them.

What the fuck happened to the den?” asked a loud voice.

They hadn’t noticed Corey, Sean and Shawn’s roommate enter the room. He had just come home from jogging, an activity he did daily wearing only his lycra shorts, socks and shoes, showing off his well-defined pecs and abs to the world, the shorts showing off his nice, round butt. He was standing in the doorway, grimly facing the mess that greeted him, with decorations knocked over, the disarrayed couch, clothes strewn in the corner, and of course some strange scorch marks from the explosion earlier.

We invited Juan over to unwind,” Shawn explained. “And we really went for it.”

I am so tired of cleaning up after you punks,” Corey sighed.

Juan looked around. “I guess I could help clean up.”

Nah, I got this,” Corey huffed. “But all three of you gotta pay.”

Oh, crap,” Sean sighed. “We just did some stuff like that.”

I’m thinking something a little more square this time,” Corey said with a smile and walked to a closet to retrieve something.

Don’t let him get it!” yelled Shawn and all three jumped on Corey.

Okay, which one of you is on my back with the boner?” Corey asked.

That’d be me,” Sean groaned.

It’s nice, but not gonna save you.”

Juan grabbed at Corey’s shorts and pulled them down, exposing his butt and junk.

Yeah, it’s nothing these guys haven’t seen before,” Corey chuckled. “Feel free to get personal with it, buddy.”

Shawn pushed Corey back and slammed the closet shut. In response, Corey pulled the door open forcefully, flattening Shawn against the wall behind it before pulling out what looked like a vacuum cleaner.

Shit,” Sean whispered as he and Juan watched Corey turn it on and use the hose to suck up the flattened Shawn. They caught a glimpse of his dazed, bug-eyed flattened face as it vanished down the hose.

Juan, run, save yourself!” yelled Sean.

Juan started for the door when he remembered something.

I’m buck naked!”

Fuck,” whispered Sean as Corey reached him with the hose, sucking him down headfirst, him hopelessly waving his arms and kicking his legs as he disappeared inside.

Corey shut off the machine.

Whew,” he sighed.

What… what is that?” asked Juan.

Pretty simple device,” Corey said. “It sucks up people, compresses them into the shape I want.”

Juan blinked. A few hours ago, he would have scoffed at that. Now, anything was possible.

Okay, so you got them, I guess you’re letting me go?”

You’re the guest, you get special treatment.”


Yeah, I’m going to turn the power on low...” he turned a dial and turned it back on. “And start dick first.”

Juan gasped as he felt his cock be slowly sucked into the machine. He knew he was being captured, but seriously, it felt so good…

Corey turned off the machine and opened the hatch and took out a flesh-colored cube about half a foot high. Turning it over in his hands, half of the six sides looked like smooth flesh, the others had Juan, Shawn and Sean’s faces on them.

Okay, time for Corey to play!” laughed Corey. “Hey, Juan, thanks for taking my shorts off earlier. Just makes it faster.”

He lowered Sean’s face to his groin and shoved his cock inside. All three of their pairs of eyes bulged out.

Fuck yeah, suck it, bitch,” Corey chuckled. “Then you other two will get your turns.”

Suddenly a dick popped out from each of the former smooth sides.

Oh, I see, we’re going to have lots of fun together!” chuckled Corey.

Juan anxiously awaited his turn. Nah, this wasn’t how he expected to spend time with his friends, but hey, could be worse.


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